Thursday, February 04, 2010

It's complicated...

From Will:

...I'll explain the title of this post in a minute. It's three am on my day off and I have come face to face with my age/life once again: I am awake.

I used to live in Florida where one of the things they used to tell the tourists was: "You have to watch the sunrise (while on the beach) and THEN go to bed....
That was my lifestyle when I was a younger and much more arrogant man. Now I wake up (as opposed to "coming to") long before the sun rises; even on my days off, whether I want to or not.

I've always enjoyed listening to comedians. I used to laugh so hard as a kid to the older comedians telling jokes about getting older and the things that start to happen to your body. The best comedians simply tell the truth in such a way as to make you laugh. Now that I'm older I realize they are funny; what they're saying ....not so much.

We had friends over a few nights ago and we were talking about the changes in our selves since we were kids and all the old jokes were there. I'd heard them over and over and yet there they were as if they were new; because now we were living them: The hair on your head doesn't stop growing; it's just growing in other places instead...ears, back, uni-brow....etc.... when we were young we could sleep through the night (and then some) without having to get up to go to the restroom. Then when we finally did wake up and "went" as it were, my dad was sure if the whole world caught fire his kids could put it out - once we woke up...

When we were kids everything was simple: Eat, Sleep and quest for fun. More so for me being a certified Redneck. The people here in Wisconsin don't realize that Jeff Foxworthy does not tell jokes; I know the people he's talking about and I'm one of them. He describes a redneck as someone who is
wonderfully devoid of any sophistication. Then he gives you examples. There was a point some years ago when I did have more appliances on my front porch then in my kitchen. I have (and not so long ago) mowed my lawn and discovered a car I forgot I owned. I have and know several people who have had to move their car transmission off the dining room table before dinner...The list goes on. There is no doubt I am a redneck.

So, while I'm un-sophisticated, this getting older (insert expletive of your choice here)...just makes everything else more complicated. I don't learn as quickly as I used to. In fact, learning itself is more challenging as I deal with eyes that don't see as well as they used to and hands that are much less coordinated; that, is a bad combination I assure you.

That brings me to the title of this post. Everything is more complicated.
Evidently, it's trend that is world-wide and is starting to encompass everything.
I have Facebook friends from all over the world and while I truly enjoy getting a glimpse into their lives. I've noticed a disturbing trend: "It's complicated."

"it's complicated"? This is becoming more and more popular as an answer to one word questions: "Single? answer: it's complicated."

See, it only takes ONE word to ask that question, it should only take one word to answer: Yes or No. If the word is supposed to be yes but you can't say that because your "significant other" (don't get me started on that one) has a spouse that doesn't know about how close you's time to simplify your life! Really! If your relationship status is "complicated" then you should be working to simplify it.

Now why am I going on about this? Because the latest trend for the one word question "Religion?" is to guessed it...."It's complicated"...If what religion are you has become too complicated to explain in a couple of words It is SO time to simplify your life.

Here is a tip: Try Jesus! He has a way of making the complicated simple. His Love is simple: He loves you. No one has prior claims and nothing you can do or have done will change the fact that He Loves you.

And it won't matter if you grow older, have hair growing out of your ears instead of out of your head, He'll still love you. It won't matter that you go to bed when you used to be getting ready to go out. He'll Love you. When you're waking up when you used to think about going home, He loves you. When you turn your blog into a place to rant...Yep even then, He loves you.

Even Me.

Even You.

Take that with you today.

God Bless.
