Saturday, January 29, 2011

Where does the time go?

Will informed me that it was my turn to post. We both agree that we should post more often. Finding the time to do so is just difficult. I know I could take the time, I just either find other things to do or am a mental vegetable incapable of putting words together.
We received a letter from the high school the other day informing us that it was time to bring our "baby" in to get her ready for high school next year. High school?!? I'm still having a hard time dealing with Jake graduating this year and now you want my baby too!?!
Now don't get me wrong, I want them to graduate and get on with their lives. I'm a very "hands on" mom, but even I can see that these kids want to fly the coop. Jessa maybe even more than Jake. They have plans and dreams. I can remember those days. It's just that it would be nice if they could do it without me getting older.
It's not really that I dislike getting's just the stuff that goes with it. I hate having gray hair (even though I'm sure I earned them). I still color it otherwise it would be completely gray and I'm not THAT old. Although I am grateful to wake up every morning (thank you God), I don't like looking looking in the mirror and doing the "chin count" (how many do I have today?). I absolutely hate the aches and pains associated with getting older. I feel like slapping someone that tells me "you know you're not as young as you used to be" duh.
The only problem is that my mind still feels that young. I still make plans that 20 years ago I would have been able to accomplish in a it takes me longer. I still feel like I can "climb that mountain" only to find myself huffing and puffing and exhausted by mid way. Life is good, so I try not to complain (much). It's just this learning to be "less young". My body is going a way that my mind seems to be uncommitted to. My mind still says go,go, go and my body says...maybe I'll sit here and rest for awhile. It's frustrating.
I do find one thing enjoyable though about getting older. Thinking about retirement! I have a plan. I keep working on the plan. Will actually is in agreement with the plan. He's just a realist (I call that a pessimist). He says "show me the money". I'm gonna try to.
I want to sell pretty much everything off at retirement and put the rest in storage. I would like to by then have bought a motorhome and have it paid for. My dream/plan is to travel for 5 years and see the US. God made such a wonderful land and I want to see it all. Now I just have to work on the plan. It's on the back burner and not at the top of my list of things to do (that list includes, new roof, new insulation, new secondary car, etc. etc). I deal with the real list on a daily basis and pray over it, try not to fret over it, plan over know the drill. BUT on the route in my mind's eye...I dream of vacations, retirement and LIVING. Living with no stress, no bills (or at least not many) no appointments, no stress (oops I mentioned that already didn't I?). I want to wake up each morning and just sit and contemplate God's world with my cup of coffee in my hand. I want to walk holding Will's hand through forests, down valleys, wandering through meadows, looking over canyons, standing on the top of mountains, staring up at waterfalls. I want to see it all. Whether God blesses this plan and we get to do it or not...I can at least imagine it every day out on the route.
I hope that you guys have this type of imagination too. Whenever stresses, problems or just plain "life" gets you down. When you cannot see past the problem...imagine the future without the problem. Remember God sees the future with this problem it's gonna happen. Remember he said it in the Bible..."and it came to pass".
Here's to life! Even if I have to get old (yuck) to live it. Have a great day. (I'd wave but I pulled a muscle and it hurts to lift my arm. See what I mean about this getting old stuff? I don't have time!)
Go out and dream!!!!!!