Thursday, May 26, 2005

In The beginning; a Blog Odyessy

Well here it is the first Blog from the Will Donaldson Family.
Perhaps though we should call this the "real" family. This is who we are for those of you who might not know:
Will (me. a Real Husband and Father; which means I'm pretty lousy at both those titles but the fierce aching love in my heart for my family won't let me quit trying),
Deanna (my wife, best friend, and holder of many other titles such as counselor, comfortor, etc., but its enough that you know that I Know what a wonderful thing it is to have a REAL "Wife" and she is most definately "it"),
Jacob ( my First Born. My son, I keep trying to tell him "I am his Father and not one of his friends!" yet I am so glad that in this one area he doesn't listen to me. He is such a real pal. A real "boy" into all those boy things I was and still am: cars, airplanes, video games etc. He's the son sent to me as a curse from my mother who said "I hope you have a boy just like you!" you know what? Some curses aren't so bad!)
and Jessalyn (My daughter, the youngest. She melts my heart with her smiles and demands for hugs and "Tickle me!" She is so girly and I so absolutely love that! She loves dresses and clothes and makeup and shoes and all those things the really girly girls love. I am so happy that my boy is a real boy and my girl is a real girl and not the other way around! Jessa a real heart string player and she can make me lose my temper just as quickly as she can wrap me around her finger. When she is older I will have to appologize to her because even though I love her being a "real girl" I don't know a thing about them. I was the youngest of three boys! What do I know about young girls???)

Thats who we are and this is what we are doing: I intend to start at least 2 blogs though there may well be many before I'm done we will have to see. This first is just as it appears, a chance to post things that are going on in our lives. This way all those people that are so important to us and who have chosen to accept us and have placed us as having some importance in their lives can have a way to keep up with whats going on with us. I so wish we had the ability to contact and converse with all of you personally every day but I do know that YOU know how difficult that is. Please accept this effort on our part as a token or better yet a hope that we will be able to visit in person and give you the personal attention you do so richly deserve.

This hopefully will be the page or blog to turn to for updates on our personal lives. Well, to a point, I mean this is pretty public so we aren't going to get toooooo personal ya know? I expect that my Wife and better half Deanna will actually be making most of the entries on this page and I can't wait to find out what I've been up to!

The second blog I would like to set up will have the teachings from the Bible that I have given in our little church in our little town. I would eventually like to set up a discussion. There really is little that I enjoy more than true Christians discussing the wonders of our Lord Jesus. The Word of God is so full and so rewarding to delve into. While we see through a glass darkly I know that we will see differently too. I hope to learn from you. I have yet to figure out the details because I don't want to put up any "stumbling blocks" either. I will keep you posted. After all, I still have to figure out how!

Numbers 6: 24

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