Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mathew 7:12

Okay, let's have some fun. The Saying goes: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (It is not a direct quote).

There is a certain way I wish to be treated.
So should I treat others the way that I want to be treated
should I treat them the way They want to be treated?

Wouldn't it be Presumptuous to assume that someone want's to be treated the way I want to be treated?
(I just like the twist)

So, in regards to this.

What is your pet peeve about how you are treated?
For example, I get "cussed at" all day long at work. It isn't personal,
It's just how they say Hello!

In fact its just how they say anything;
and everything.

It used to bother me a lot but after 14 years I've gotten used to it.
For the most part. Sort of.

Still, that's my pet peeve. What is yours?

Just a little something to think about. Would love to hear your take on it!

2nd Corinthians 13:14


Anonymous said...

Hi, My pet peeve, has three parts. 1. We can never judge someone's motive for anything and that is my big pet peeve.(as though someone can read my mind or someone else's thoughts) 2. I don't like to be patronized. I prefer the truth in Love. That includes knowing your pet peeve.;-) 3.I don't like to be interrupted, unless it helps the other person to better understand a word or a part of what I am saying at the moment. I'd like the same option in return. (Unless it is one of your pet peeves.) LOL (and then only in a biggg discussion about my opinion.)Otherwise fun with words or good clean fun is love to me. Will, I am proud of the fact that you have the pet peeve that you have. I don't spend much time with anyone that swears, or if they can't think of any other words that could be more pleasent than back alley speech. I told my boys when they were growing up, that using bad language was for those that didn't have the education or intelligence to know any other way. All three do very well or have a lot of self-control, because I never hear any back-alley language from them. Thank God. I like to spend time with them when I can. Good one Will, Mom

Will H. Donaldson Family said...

How Dare you keep talking while I'm interrupting!?!? :-)