Friday, May 18, 2007

Ever have one of those days?

Have you ever had one of those days when everything went right, and you paid for it the next day?
I did yesterday. I came home from work and started working here at the house. Will got on the lawn mower and I grabbed the weed eater and we started on yard work. I "weed eatered" an area while he mowed. He kept mowing while I went and worked on the side courtyard. With all that has been going on in our lives lately, I had not had a chance to get working on my flower beds. I "weed eatered" in there and then start weeding the beds. Got all 4 done (well close enough to done. Just don't look too closely). Then I planted all of the seeds/bulbs that I had collected over the year. Then raked everything up and moved it out to the compost. Still had a little energy so I started a "new bed" and got that ready and planted some. Found some rhubarb and decided to work up a bed and plant that. I dug a trough on the edge of the house under the addition and then filled it with river rock for better drainage. Then decided it was safe to quit for the day. I'm not done, but I'm much closer. Now comes the pay for later part........
I got into the house and remembered that I needed to run to Tomah for Will's lunch supplies. I ran in and took a quick shower (well, as quick as I could while using the "back scrubber brush on my whole body to get it clean". Today I'm feeling pretty "scrubbed" on some parts of my skin)
Will and Jessa and I went to Walmart. By the time we got out of there I was having problems walking. I made it into the house took some pain meds and crawled to the bed. Ok so I didn't really crawl, but I cannot say that I actually walked either. It was kind of this stagger from one piece of furniture to the next. I fell into the bed and I don't know that I moved for most of the night.
I'm feeling pretty good while I sit here this morning and am able to move lot's better, but I keep having to stop typing to pull slivers out of my hands. My knees are painful, but that's something I live with every my muscles are a different story. I know that as soon as I stand up again I am going to feel "old". I hate that feeling! I do not have time for old. Who would have thought that sitting on the ground for a couple of hours could age you twenty years?
Today is my day for "catching up". Will and the kids are all gone to work/school. I am running errands this afternoon and then will come home and start more cleaning and sorting. I am trying to have the whole house sorted for the most part before we go on vacation next Thursday. I work better under pressure, so I know that if I have that goal, I'll have a better chance of getting it done.
Well, laundry calls. I'll type more another day (If my fingers don't fall off before then.)
Have a great and wondrous day!

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