Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world!

Do you remember that movie? I think I might have to sit down and watch it again. I think at this point in my life I can probably identify with it.

Have you ever thought you were actually caught up only to realize that you had left out about 10 things? That's me. Yesterday I worked at the P.O. for the final time until next Tuesday. It was a pretty good day, my phone only rang 10 times with Cranfest questions ( about 25 is the normal amount). Thankfully, my boss is very understanding.

Today starts "real festival" time. Today our 70 golf carts show up and I have to label each and every one of them with name tags. Fill out sign in sheets, clean the bathrooms at the office, go down to Tomah and buy most of the food for 100 volunteers and get the Suburban washed (all before 10:00 am). Then it's back to the fest with placing booths the remainder of the afternoon, while organizing some volunteers to take over some last minute stuff.

Al and Betty sent me a great birthday present! A refrigerator! They sent me money for my birthday which is very nice for me because I hate spending money on myself and I plan carefully on what I will get. It needs to be special. Well, this year the local military base is replacing some buildings with new buildings and a friend of mine is working on the project. They had all of these nearly new refrigerators there that they were selling for a song, so I had Randy grab me one. I have ALWAYS wanted an extra frig for times when I need the room, like Christmas Eve. This is a dream come true for me. Although, we're using it this weekend for the extra volunteer food. I am tickled pink. It's really nice.

Don't know how much blogging we will do in the next few days. Thank God He is blessing us with rain right now to settle the dust before some of the vendors arrive. Then the rest of the weekend it is supposed to be sunny and warm. Great weather for the fest.

Aside from working with the crowd trouble shooting, I am going to be singing with our new group "New Journey" Friday, Saturday, Saturday night and then we sing the National Anthem on Sunday before the parade. Jessalyn will be performing with Show Choir on Friday, Crantastics on Saturday and Saturday Night. Will is going to drive courtesy cart for visitors, do the Dad thing and make sure Jessa gets to her performances and then "emcee" on Saturday night. There is also a possibility that he might have to announce the parade on Sunday. Jacob is doing "guy things" with his friends. All girlfriends are on their own for the weekend. The guys decided that girls like to look at girl things and are no fun at festivals. What a hoot listening to them plan their days. They should have fun.

Well, I'm off to finish up so that I can leave for the office.

God Bless,

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