Thursday, October 02, 2008

Two for one

Welcome to the world of sick kids. It amazes me that my children who right now are really in one of those we don't like each other stages, yet, they have managed to infect each other with this stuff. Both of them have a cough that sounds very much like a moose. Now I'm a mother who loves her children, but with this cough they sound "alien". Jacob especially.
It seems to really act up at night and then they really start coughing. It's actually almost scary how bad it can get before their systems settle down and they can sleep.

They were just up and trying to get ready for school but Jake could not stop coughing and Jessalyn still has a fever. What a mess. I know at least 4 people with this junk. I hope it gets over soon. I think that if it's still around tomorrow, we might head into the doctor. This is not fun. The good news is at least they are not throwing up.

Last night we headed into town to pick up some piles of trash that are still around, with rain, wind and cold weather clean up from the festival has been really, really slow this year. As we were driving around Will's brakes went out on the truck. Oh great. Let's just add to the stress. Just what we need. It's one of those times in our lives that I pretty much am numb because of all of the stuff that has been happening to us. Will gets a little bit more upset because he doesn't have the stupid things rule, but I just kind of stumble through. It's not that our lives are bad or that we will not get through this, it's just that lately we seem to be living in Murphy's law. If it can go wrong it will-if it can break it will-if it can cost money it will. Very frustrating, but when you look at it like you one has died, other than a cough no one is sick, we are still well fed, we still have our jobs, we still have a house (although Murphy is going strong there), we still have each other and most importantly we still have God, which really should have been first on the list. What do people who do not have God do when all of this stuff piles on them? I can see how it could lead to depression really quick.
As it is this afternoon Will is going to spend his time bending brake lines. I don't think he's thrilled about it at all, but I have faith in him. Jessalyn is now back in bed because her fever came back. Jake is still trying to go to school, but is sounding like a seal, so I'm not sure how that's going to work. I guess that today, I might be calling the doctor to get them in. Yuck.
I still have so much to do in town and at home. My list seems endless.
Jake just gave up and went back to bed. It's already been a day and a half and we havn't even been up for an hour yet. Great googamooga.

I have more raking and garbage clean up today. I tried to rake yesterday and pick up trash, but it was too windy, so Will and I just concentrated on the big stuff. We'll see how today goes.

I ended up harvesting 3 eggplants the other day. I planted them because the bush was pretty. I've never really cooked with eggplant before. Anyone have any good recipes?

Have a great day!

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