Thursday, January 01, 2009


Well, it looks like Will and I are getting a taste of the years to come. We celebrate today....together, but alone. Jacob is off partying with his friends and Jessalyn went to her Grandparents house to help Gramma do something. It feels kind of strange, but you know I think I like an "empty nest" every once in a while. Will is my best friend and we have a great time together so I'm not lonely at all. Although cleaning is not what we really planned on spending New Year's Day doing. We are going to stop at noon whether we are done or not and spend the rest of the day goofing off.

Everyone worked hard yesterday. I went to the post office and did my route on unplowed roads. Will and the kids went in and helped my folks dig out after the last couple of bouts of snow. Dad bought a snowblower and we are all using it now, but Dad has been soooooo sick that he had only done what he had to do to get by. Jake helped him shovel the roof, Jessalyn cleaned his wrap around porch off and Will snowblowed everything else. Then they came home and worked on it around here. We gave the kids today off for good behavior.

Last night we had a gospel sing at church and goodies afterwards. It was a good time and we got home so late (almost 10) that I thought I might just be able to make it to be awake at midnight. Not a chance....Aside from the dog and cat both telling me it was time for bed, I couldn't do it. I tried. I made it until 11:00 but that was all she wrote. Boy am I a wimp. I remember just leaving to go out at 11:00. Now I'm half done with my day at 11:00 am. Getting up really early sure makes it hard to stay awake late. Will and I could stay in bed this morning and sleep as long as we wanted. I made it until about 4:30 and Will woke up about 4:45. What a waste of a good sleep in morning.

I wanted to buy a roast for today, but they were almost $5 a pound. I decided to buy a whole brisket for $1.86 a pound. Will accused me of bringing home a "body" when I had him lift out this 11lb. slab of meat. It's been roasting now for a couple of hours and boy does it smell good. When the teenage crowd hits later, they will be really, really happy. Let me tell you they can put away some food. I love it!

Well, time to get back to after Christmas clean up. I hope and pray that you all have a Blessed 2009 and that if you do not know Jesus you will in this year. There could be no greater joy for Will and I than to know that all our friends will be with us in heaven. Happy 2009.

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