Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello again!

From Will:

Still busy as ever and still getting so little accomplished. My parents 50th wedding anniversary is happening in July and we're still trying to make it. All of your prayers would be welcome in that regard. God continues to provide in His own way, but He makes us work for it.
Fair enough.
Don't get me wrong, there is no doubt that HE is providing but we have to do our part. For example: With the economy in it's current condition, my work has been slow and my hours decreased. Until lately. Recently they brought my hours back to where they should be (most of the time) and yesterday they needed me to come in on my day off for some overtime (O.T.). O.T. money is great! And getting any at this point is clearly God! I just had to work on my day off. See what I mean? Clearly God. Clearly I had to do my part.
The line from the song in the Fiddler on the Roof musical plays clearly in my head:
"...would it ruin some grand master plan...if I were a wealthy man???" But never the less I'm grateful to have a Job and to be able to perform it. The older I get the more I'm grateful to be able to do anything.

(digressing again...sigh)

So, today I nurse my sore back and try to catch up on all my home chores and responsibilities like posting this for you!

God made it clear to me that we needed this new van and even was specific about this particular van. I still wonder what He's doing. There is this whole "debt" issue that makes me question and then why this particular van?? Deanna will confirm that God chose this particular van for us and I am very grateful to have had His clear input! Still I have to wonder "what's up?" Ya know?

Speaking of which. Here is a question I would really appreciate as many answers to as I can get:

It's been so long since we've had a vehicle that was worth trying to keep clean. Wisconsin winters are hard on paint and carpet/upholstery. What do YOU use to wash/wax your car and to clean the (cloth) seats, carpet and upholstery? And why?

I know a lot of people use different things and that they're inventing new stuff everyday to go along with the new paints/materials. So what do YOU use and why.

Please! I really would LOVE to hear YOUR opinion!

Moving on but staying on just the vehicles part of "what is God doing?" My truck is still in the shop. They might finish it today. They might not. Don't ask what the total will be but lets say that mechanically I should have different truck than what I gave them. It's in a price range that suggests I could have bought another truck for that price, but at that price it too would need work; ya know?

Deanna is still nursing her old work car. I've tried to encourage her to pick out a newer one before the one she has falls completely apart. It's done it's job and then some. It doesn't owe us anything but it keeps chugging along...dropping parts as it goes. I just don't want it to "leave her" while she's on the route but I understand her dilemma: Still need to save money for Florida trip. Still need money for (lots and lots of) things around the house and if she orders the car she needs then it becomes that much harder to take care of the other things. Pray for her. I do.

In the last post I mentioned Jacobs concert. It was very very good! It doesn't matter where we sit in the auditorium something always blocks our view of him but this time I could really hear him! He sounded great! All the choirs combined to do bits and pieces from the musicals Oklahoma! and Chicago and did it with "show choir" flair. Really good!

Well, that's all the time I have allotted for now. I need to see if I can fix my lawn mower. Grass is high enough hide small animals. Which reminds me. The bear has been back and broke the big wooden box that holds my trash bags! Jake fixed that for me but I wish I had a picture of the paw shaped hole. It was cartoon like!

May God Bless you! He surely has me! And don't forget to give me your car maintenance tips!!!!!!

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