Sunday, September 11, 2011

I remember.......

I would imagine that there are so many blogs out there that are remembering September 11, 2001. I will have to join their ranks. Undoubtedly, I will probably disagree with many of them. As an American that is my right. Thank you God.

In my opinion what happened on 9-11 was a tragedy in more than one way. Americans died. Those people can never be brought back. It was and is a horrible thing. We lost them, but for a while there we Americans seemed to find ourselves.

We all pulled together and people prayed. Now....not so much.

As a nation we seem to be headed down a road that feels more and more like a nation not "under God". The government and other confused individuals have forgotten the principles that this nation was built on. They have forgotten the Declaration of Independence. They have forgotten the Constitution. There is a reason that the founding fathers mentioned God so often. They believed in Him. They knew that they only had this nation because of Him and they wanted to make sure that the world knew it too.

In arrogance people have started thinking that we have what we have because we earned it. We are a blessed nation because God made us that way. We said we were a nation under God and believe me, God takes care of His own. I live my life under Him and know that all things come from Him. If we had what we deserved it would be maybe a falling economy, jobless rates that are on the rise, hatred and violence abounding, get my drift. We've forgotten where we came from, who we owe it to and what we should be thankful for.

My generation the 40 somethings and 50 somethings are not pulling our weight. We raise our children to lie, cheat, hate and in general expect everything to be given to them on a silver platter ....because they deserve it. BOLOGNA!!!!! We should be ashamed of ourselves.
Of course we were raised by that enlightened bunch of individuals from the flower children era.

People don't teach morals any longer. They are not taught in the schools. The schools teach rights. I have this right and that right. Give me a break. People try to take the 10 commandments away saying we shouldn't be forced to live by them. Tell me how would it be so bad to not lie, cheat, steal, murder, have affairs? What would be so wrong? Even if you don't believe in God, how can you say this would be a bad thing?

The greatest tragedy to me is all of the people in this world that do not know God. Especially those poor wretched unknowing, unloved, pitiful people that think that Jihad is the way to live. I have friends who are Muslim who are wonderful people that do not believe that way. Do I think all Muslims are evil? No I do not. I think that they are deceived and do not know God, the true God. That is a tragedy. They have this distant god that they pray to not knowing if he even answers their prayers, for that matter, if he even hears them. They have no hope. That to me is a tragedy.

As for the others. They are crazy sad people that are trying so hard to be someone special. Someone looked up to for something they've done. They are terrorists. No other way to put it. I'm really tired of the government trying to smooth things over. Let's not call it what it is. I can't help what they are. They mean to hurt people. It makes me really, really sad. What a way to live your life...

Let's remember where we came from. Where we were and who we owe it all to. I can guarantee that it is not our President who seems to be one of those lost people trying to be special. It's not our government who can't seem to find their own nose in the dark. It's all owed to God, the Creator, the Founder of this nation.

GOD bless America. Please.

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