Friday, October 28, 2011

Getting ready for winter

I am never ready for this time of year. I'm just now getting into the swing of things for summer and fall is already over. The leaves are still turning colors and many are still on the trees, but you can feel winter in the air. Yesterday even had that dreaded word "snow" in the forecast. I'm not ready. Truthfully, I'm never ready.

With so much of my fall devoted (lovingly) to Cranfest, I seem to miss the every day stuff that other people see. It feels like I go from hot, hot, hot to freeze. There is no in between around here. It's hard to get into the get ready for winter mode for me and then suddenly it's here.

In less than 2 months Christmas will be over. I don't even have any shopping done. Usually by now, I've at least bought a couple of presents...not this year. I'm running behind...

It's time to put plastic on the windows, put up the snow fence, cut and stack wood, start collecting my stash of emergency supplies, placing emergency kits in all the vehicles etc. Time to get serious about the cold even though my mind is still trying to deal with fall.

Will and I, along with kids and our friends will cut and stack wood next weekend. Hopefully enough to get us and my parents through the winter. The two fireplaces going really help when heating this great big house. I have them both going today and it's comforting somehow.

I hope you are all having a wonderful fall and will continue on and have a blessed Christmas filled with the wonder of God's love for us all. I say that because Christmas might be over before I get a chance to post again. I hope not, but you know me.

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