Sunday, October 28, 2007

Time for the slide show!

Okay, I can't actually upload a slide show for you. Remember I'm on dial up; These pics took over an hour to upload all together as it was. For a lot of you that is a good thing.

I took over 80 pictures in roughly ten minutes the other night as the sun was setting.
Don't panic!
I only posted5 of those pics but they all were awesome if I do says so myself.
Of course the reason they are awesome has very little to do with me and everything to do with God's Creation.

Deanna called me the other night and said to get my camera because it looked like we were in for a pretty sunset.
I sighed, got out of my recliner and hit pause on the TIVO.
I've done this before.
You kind of get ho- hum about these things but if it makes her happy then it will pay out for me .. if you get my drift.

I'm really glad I did.

It was really windy but the temps were nice and I didn't have to wait long.
The clouds were really moving fast!
So was the sun at this point and the sky was changing radically as I watched.

The first couple of pics I think are only 1 mega pixel and the rest are still only 2 mega pixel.
If I did this right, you should be able to click on the pics to get a bigger image.
Try it and see if it works. Of course it was better in real life, but you know that.

After those pictures you will find some from this last Friday night.
We invited Dave, Dottie, and Carrie (Deanna's parents and her Aunt) over for dinner.
After Dinner we had a surprise as Deanna brought in seven pumpkins for us all to carve.

Deanna and I understand that as Christians we have to be careful about such things but our viewpoint is that for our kids, it's an education about this world they live in. Instead of celebrating all hallows eve we use it as a fun way to teach our kids the differences between fantasy, the dangers of true evil and the blessings of true love. The last was evident as we laughed together as a family and explored and enjoyed each others creativity.

Dave had ensconced himself in my recliner and was starting to feel the effects of what I call the alien suction device. (Thats what keeps your backside stuck to the chair when you should be doing something else.) So, when Deanna brought out the pumpkins it took some coaxing to get him involved.
When he did, well, he did it his way.
He walked past all of us and out to where we were installing a new fireplace (more on that later) and came back with his Sawzall power saw!

You will find pictures of that adventure and our finished projects below.

Lastly, Dave and I did get the new fireplace installed. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him. There were a lot of parts and pieces and no instructions. I still have some little things to do to finish up but we had a nice fire in it the other night. Those pictures are below as well.

Well, that should bring you up to speed for the moment. I pray the Lord Bless you and protect you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's turning into ol'home week. Very nice indeed to see family and families and those on the running commentor. WILL, those pics are greaaaat of course. They
are awesome as usual. You know I like pics. We have had some greeaaatt pics of sunnsets here as well. Up were our new church is, on a hill and over looking sunsets and moonrises, (haven't seen a sunrise there yet)there have been some sad times for me
as we didn't have our camera at the time. WOW,there were some beeaaauuutiful colors and great majestic awesome wonders in the sky. I hope I can remember to take my camera next time. I just remembered. :-( The clocks change so we might not get the sunsets, but we might later on then. I saved them so I will see them on my screen soon. I wish we had been there for the pumpkin cutting too. I used to do them. FUN!!! Take care and God bless ;-)