Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Whew! We're Tired!

I feel like I've been running for a week straight. Worse, it feels to me that poor Deanna has been running without rest for the past month; Imagine what it must feel like to her!?! We are both just sitting with our eyes glazed over. We have a few hours before we have to re-enter the real world and catch up on everything we put off for the last couple of weeks.

In case you aren't sure what I'm talking about, last weekend was
Cranfest. It was our 35th anniversary and our biggest yet! It was our salute to the U.S. military, the veterans and the families who've lost loved ones in service to our country. So, it was also the most emotional Cranfest we've had in while.

I didn't take any pictures this year but I have posted some (in the past) from previous years, so feel free to check out the archives. I can now say with more than a little conviction that the photo's can't prepare you for the truth.

We've been telling my parents about the phenomenom that is Cranfest. This year they got to experience it for themselves. Our sleepy little town of roughly 250 people turns into a spectacle that more than 100,000 people will experience over the course of 3 days. We have officially been declared the Largest Cranberry Festival in the world. With over 1,500 vendors we are much larger than the majority of "festivals" and to prove my point:
In the Volunteer Firehouse they have a "beer and Brat" meal available inside. Otherwise there is NO alcohol. We are a "family" Festival, so we regulate what kind of booths can enter and what they can sell. We regulate when they can open and when and what they can sell...and we have a waiting list of vendors wanting their chance. See, we don't have room for anymore so we don't put up with crude or unruly vendors. There are too many others who want their spot.
In spite of all our controls, not only do the vendors love us but evidently so do the customers. In Wisconsin, home of the "Beer and Brat" We have even surpassed the "Octoberfest". That is saying something if you ask me...
As proud as I am of our "family" atmosphere, I am even more proud that other than the two women who do the clerical work in our office, The CranFest committee and it's board of directors are all Volunteer.
As in UnPaid.
All profits from this festival goes right back into the local community. We buy computers and playground equipment for the school. Buildings, Sidwalks and even the streets themselves on occasion have been purchased by the relatively few year-round volunteers that make up the Cran-Fest committee. Who knew so few could do so much.

Anyway, my parents came and got to experience a small part of it and I think they enjoyed it. Dad was partnered with a local as the Auto and Tractor judge for our parade and did a great job. We are all grateful he could fill in on such short notice.
I did all I could to try to be son and tour guide while also fulfilling my duties as Father and Cranfest worker. I think I pulled it off but only time will tell. I was especially glad Mom and Dad were able to experience Jacob and Jessalyn in the Crantastic Singers group and the Gospel sing on Saturday night. Both my kids did a great job (of course!) and Deanna also sang with her dad and cousin and even did a great solo. I don't have to tell you how proud I am.

It was even better when on Sunday morning, 50 motorcyclists with flags flying from their bikes led our parade. Following them was a large wagon carrying decorated Veterens. They all stopped in front of the reviewing stand and the motorcyclists all turned off their engines.
Then they all dismounted their cycles and stood for the sining our our national anthem.

Sung by Deanna, her dad Dave and her cousin Kris.

They were fantastic! Goosebump stuff!

The applause almost drowned out the simultaneous starting of all 50

It was great! I felt so Blessed By God to have been there and able to share that with my family. For the next 2 hours (!) Watching the parade that turned out to be our best ever; It was great weather and great times with great people.

Monday was a little different.

Clean up time! Yuck. Still, it's Wednesday now and you can hardly tell there was ever a festival here except for the dead grass.

Here is an interesting note: Every year you will find several members of the Board of Directors out picking up garbage and raking lawns doing all kinds of menial clean up work after Cranfest. For the Whole Village!
I know I spent all day Monday with one of them just picking up trash. The old fashioned way: Bend over, Pick it up, stand up and put it in the bag. (sharp sticks and grabbers wouldn't work. too many things like cut open zip-ties to pick up). To tell you that Tuesday I was sore would be too obvious...

I had to work Tuesday, and that brings us to today. The Day we winterized my parents camper and sent them on their way (sniff!)

I just woke up from a well needed nap and paused long enough to give you this update.

The kids have youth group at church in a few minutes. So again, I won't have time to edit this into something more coherent, but I didn't want to leave this too long with out posting something!

May the Grace and Peace of the Lord be with you all!

1 comment:

Rachel Hauck said...

Wow, I'm tired just reading it. :)

Sounds like a great time!
