Thursday, February 02, 2006

The best hubby in the world!

I told you that today was the anniversary of our engagement (and Ground Hogs Day). Well, last night even though he was terribly sick with a cold, my husband was still thinking of me. He walked in the door with a HUGE bouquet of roses. Two dozen red roses now adorn my kitchen table and I am enjoying every minute of them. So for all of you men that are not romantic-take notes. For all of you women who's husbands are not romantic-I'm sorry. Maybe you can get them to follow Will's example. Will is going to get some really special treatment for the next couple of weeks, just because he loves me. Of course that could work against me too. I can just hear it now "but I gave you roses" so.........
Have a great day.

1 comment:

Rachel Hauck said...

Way to go, Will. ;) Rachel