Monday, February 06, 2006

What was that about warm weather?

Well, winter has finally arrived.....on Ground Hog's Day. The temperatures are not "terrible" but the wind chill makes you wish that you were inside. I was trying to deliver mail on Saturday in -9 wind chill. The only problem with my route is that 187 of my boxes are served by my standing outside and sorting the mail into these big cluster boxes. Most days that's not a problem, a little wet when it's raining but not a big deal. Saturday was difficult when I could not feel my fingers. I can't wear gloves and sort mail, so I just stick them into my pockets between cluster boxes. Not fun, but I will gladly deal with it and not complain, because January was so great.
Today starts the nursing home visiting mission. We are excited about this new chance to help our community. Should be a blast.
Saturday night was family night with about 25 people there. I made everyone Zuppa Tuscana a really great Italian soup recipe with Italian sausage, bacon, potatoes, cream and kale. It was really a different type soup for most of the people there. Of course I also made potato, cheese and ham soup for those that did not want the other. We all sat around eating salad, garlic bread and soup for 3 1/2 hours, talking and laughing. It was great! We really enjoy getting together and finding out what goes on in each other's lives. It is so much easier to be a church "family" this way. Of course I get to cook for everyone and that is wonderful too.
I finished getting my tax stuff done. Boy was that a lot easier this year when I didn't have the real estate stuff to deal with. I used to spend hours and hours on that stuff. I will still probably get my license renewed. I spent too long keeping that thing going to let it die. You never know when it might be needed again.
Other than that life goes on here. I hope you have a great day!

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