Thursday, February 16, 2006

Snow cometh!

We are poised on the very edge of a huge snow storm that is bearing down on our area. I was up at 3:30 am to let the cat out and at that time we only had about half an inch. Now it is 5:15 and we have another 2 inches of new snow. They say that most of the day we will get snow at about 2 inches per hour. With our total being 12-14 inches when it is all done. The kids are SO excited. I am too, but for a different reason. My hubby is leaving for work and will not come home until 7:00 pm when it has snowed all day and the wind is supposed to be 25 miles per hour. BLIZZARD! I'm not really concerned as far as myself who will be in it driving the mail route and helping other carriers with their mail route, but I am concerned for him. How wierd!
I am glad to get snow though. The snowmobilers would like to go out at least once this year and the cranberry growers desperately need it. Besides, a good storm is fun as long as you are smart about it. I like to stock up and have everything ready in case the power goes out etc and then I sit reading a book in front of the fireplace. Nothing like all that snow coming down to make you feel all warm and cozy in your own house.
Time to get kids up and ready for school, if they go.
Have a blessed day.

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