Sunday, March 05, 2006

There S'no business like snow business

It's snowing again. It looks like we're going to get another 4 to 6 inches. This is the kind of snow I really like too. The temp is about 27 degrees and the snow flakes are huge.

Everything had been melting and there were patches of ground showing up here and there with the old snow hard and crunchy from the previous "freezing rain" we've had. Early Spring can get kind of ugly around here. The snow that is left is usually dirty from the mud that it's turned the ground into. The grass can't make up it's mind what color it wants to be and neither can the sky. It looked like we were getting ready to enter into that phase but now everything is all pretty and white again.

You can't even tell just how much help my landscaping really needs. Even the old rusted out dodge truck in my driveway is starting to look like there may be hope for it yet...Okay, maybe that's going to far but you get the idea.

Usually when I write in this space about winter or any of the seasons for that matter, I am thinking of those friends and family that live to the south of us or occasionally east. ( A friend of mine who writes a blog in Michigan took exception to my descriptions of the Wisconsin Fall season stating that fall in Michigan is" far superior" no pun intended. He is entitled to his opinion -he's wrong but he is entitled to his opinion ;-P)
Anyway, I have a cousin who lives in Alaska that I am so glad to be getting to know again (another unexpected benefit of the internet!). She was kind enough to send me some pictures and she gave me permission to post them here.

Her family was on a basket ball trip and she snapped some shots for us. I posted part of the captions she sent with the pictures. I love the beauty of Wisconsin but the pics she sent...WOW! If only all the "basket ball" trips of the world had this kind of scenery!
(p.s. Thanks again "Cuz"!)

1 comment:

Joel Hayes said...

What was that about a Dodge Pick up?? What yr, and what are you going to do with it? Or is it beyond repair.