Saturday, June 17, 2006


John 3:30 : He must increase, but I must decrease.

This has been the verse running through my head for the last several weeks. Decreasing right now seems like a really good idea. I don't think I have any more time or energy for "increasing". Deanna, the kids and I have been really putting in the work hours around here trying to get ready for everything we have going on this month and next. We have the "Oakes Family Gathering" starting to get "fired up". That means a lot more visitors to the house, including a bonfire in our back yard again this year. It is always so much fun to have family gathered around and the Oakes Family are all such wonderful people who truly enjoy being a family. It really is refreshing.
To make it even more fun this year my parents are also coming up and are going to be a part. Knowing my mom and dad, they are so going to fit right in. I have been eager to get them to be a part of this because I know they will. I am truly excited about that. Of course there is also all the singing. I enjoy listening and singing along and I know my parents will too, which is another reason I've been eager to get them together.
Of course all of that happening at once means so much more to get ready for. We have also been helping Dave and Dottie (Dea's Parents) finish up "the farm" which has now officially been turned over to the new owners even though we have a few more trips to make hauling materials to be stored in our new shed; which is still not finished (sigh).

He must increase, but I must decrease.

I remember when I was a kid following my parents through a crowd only to discover the people I was following weren't my parents. Lost.

Ever been following the Lords Lead only to discover you made turn somewhere you don't remember turning? Of course the Lords Leading is always correct I just wasn't paying enough attention to where He was going. I think I am back on track for now and naturally life is much better for it but there were a few weeks of "treacherous ground" trying to get back to where I belong which is following the Lords Lead and paying more attention to what He's saying.
For the moment that seems to be: He must increase, but I must decrease.
Check out the verses in that chapter.
That phrase takes on added meaning when you read the verses after it.
Well, that's all the time I have for this morning, I'm off to work!
May the Lord Bless You and Keep You and Give you Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good advice Will. I think all of us, at some time, forget or get too busy to follow the Leader. God has lots of unusual ways of getting our attention, but he is always there with a gentle hand to help us back on track.

Maybe you can video the family gathering. It could be as popular as the Gaither video's.