Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Check THIS link!

As it is Independence Day here in these United States of America, I have posted the above link.

It is the Government link to both photos and transcripts of the original documents of:
The Declaration of Independence
The Constitution of the United States
The Bill of Rights
Additional Amendments to the Constitution.

This link also includes some of the history surrounding the documents but not enough.
The history is equally as important as the documents themselves.
I say this because if you don't understand why someone speaks, you probably don't understand what was spoken.

Mostly I encourage Everyone to study the what these documents say and the history surrounding them. I say everyone because this country has a significant effect on the planet as a whole and it is in the worlds best interest to understand these things.
Why? Because we have more than a few laws that are themselves technically illegal.
No, I will not elaborate. The point here isn't whether certain laws are themselves illegal;
the point here is that if they are or not, would you know?

At first it seems impossible that such an elaborate organization (The United States Government) could possibly make/allow such a thing to take place. Then you start to consider it's history and realize that not only is it possible, but probable.

Which laws? What actions have we as a State or Country taken that may have been -if not illegal, then against the original intent of that first government and its Documents?

The greatest evil done to this United States is that we are indeed prosperous. We have become
so focused on our desires that we have forgotten our responsibilities. I know Christians who refuse to vote "...for the lesser of two evils". Saying its a trap. I know non-Christians who say it is not their concern and there is nothing they can do about it anyway because they are not in government. They say their one vote is too insignificant.

Keep in mind I hold myself to blame as well for not doing more, but both of the above examples forget the most important part of our government:

"We the People"

Anyone get that?

"We Are The Government."

How about now? Try this:

We the people ARE the Government. This isn't a right or a privilege. This isn't a promise of opportunity, This is a responsibility.

It is not a responsibility that can be refused if you claim to be an American Citizen.

It is our jobs as Americans that we too often fail to perform because we let other more personal desires get in our way.
To those who don't live in our country, it would be more than to your advantage to understand these things, because you know as well as we do that as a country, we are capable of great good as well as great evil.
This country is not deaf. Especially when other countries quote us our own laws.

Here is a test that I would fail; How about you?

Who is your town mayor?
Who sits on your town board or
who are its commissioners?
Who is your states Governor?
... Senator?
...Representatives to the House?
In fact how many Local, State and Federal government positions can you name?
How many of those positions do you know the name of the current holder?

Again, I hold myself in poor light this morning as I remember the men and women who gave their lives for this great country so I can:
have the day off from work,
shoot some fireworks,
raise a flag and spend the rest of the year grumbling and complaining but unwilling to do anything about, this United States of America.

Click the link above. Save it to your "favorites" or "bookmarks" or just write it down and put it on your refrigerator. Then go back and check it every once in a while.
Myself, I will be spending a lot of time going back and rereading often.
Remember, if you are not willing to be part of the solution, you can't complain; because you are part of the problem.

Oh Lord, Please forgive us our sins and Bless this United States of America!
And May the Lord truly Bless You.
(By the way Lord, thank you again that I live in a country where I can pray and praise your name out loud and in public! For the Name of Jesus! Amen!)


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