Friday, July 13, 2007

Really! We haven't forgotten you!

I know it's been a week since we last posted. Funny, most of the blogs I visit haven't posted anything new either; I guess it's been a busy week for everyone! All kinds of things going on around here. I had hoped to build a small 6 foot by 10 foot screen porch before we get company sometime in the next two weeks, but that isn't going to happen.
They've changed the zoning laws again. It's now going to cost more to get permission to build this screen porch than it will to actually build it. They have to actually send someone over here to physically inspect the spot before I build it. Ironically, I don't need an inspector after it's done; go figure. Anyway, that is just one of the things we've been dealing with. Also there have been some shake ups at church that are very stress full right now. We would love your prayers there. It should be interesting for the next couple of weeks; sigh. Well there's a quick update for you.

I will continue to post pictures of our Canadian Vacation (and there are some great ones coming) but we are at a stage where Deanna will have to explain some of them after I post them. (She doesn't "post" pictures and I can't remember all the details of her family heritage).
Until then, May the Lord increase His blessings upon you!

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