Friday, November 16, 2007

computer woes...Again!

Hey! Just a quick note. Well, quick for you, not so much for us.

Allow me to refresh your memory to our 'puter situation. I have three computers. Computer #1 is the oldest and least capable. It threatens to die every once in a while and I threaten to replace it. Then it works fine.
Computer #2 is the most "capable" of the three and had the most parts replaced. It was a gift to help convince 'puter #1 that it really can be replaced. We use 'puter #2 the most for Internet activity. Computer #3 is still in the box. It was a gift from my parents that is waiting for me to find a place to put it. A large portion of my wife's reorganizing the house has to do with placement for all three computers. Computer #3 is between 'puters 1 & 2 in technology. None of the three is anywhere close to current standards but then again, neither am I...
Anyway, computer number 2 is having issues. I'm not sure yet whether it's software or if maybe the one component that hasn't been replaced is wanting to be upgraded. Time and foul language will tell.
Anyway, if we drop off the face of the computing world for a while than you will know why. I may be dropping a couple of computers off the face of....well, you get the picture.
Have a great day!

To Err is human, to really mess things up takes a computer!

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