Thursday, November 22, 2007


It sure doesn't seem like it's time for turkey day yet. Of course it must be, because my hubby is outside hanging the thousands of Christmas lights that he hangs every year. It is a tradition that they get turned on Thanksgiving Day "night". He's even adding more this year, so I'm sure it will be more spectacular than ever. He really is very good at that type of thing. This year is kind of neat because it is snowing on him as he hangs them. Nothing is sticking to the ground, but it's a nice effect.
Tomorrow morning Will and I go for our yearly early morning shopping spree at the local Wa+*ma*t. They have early bird specials and he and I dare to go out and shop at 5:00 am for some deals and then some breakfast before he comes home for another day off and I go back to work. Such is the life of a mail carrier. We do not have enough substitutes for our office (I don't know of a post office that does) so we take turns on who takes what days off. I'm the lowest on the totem pole, so I get the leftovers. It's ok for the most part because they let me have the week of Cranfest off.
We are having Thanksgiving dinner at my sister Dale and her hubby's house today. We will eat about 5:00 to let her husband get done hunting. It still seems strange to not have my Mom and Dad here for Thanksgiving, but they have made it a tradition to go to my brother's house in Tennessee. I am glad that they can, because otherwise David's family would have no other family there. It is just almost impossible for me to take any time off at Thanksgiving or Christmas (that totem pole thing again). Besides so many people plan on coming to our house for Christmas Eve which will be here soon, I'm sure.
I really feel like a lazy bum today as far as the T-day meal. I only have to bring corn casserole, sweet potatoes and a veggie salad. Not much at all and I feel like I am expecting everyone else to do the work.
Of course we are doing a whole extra Thanksgiving dinner here on Sunday for our friends that have no Thanksgiving today because of work or lack of family living around. I will get to cook that one and I'm sure I'll love every minute. Will picked out the turkey and I think that it weighs about 20 lbs or so. I'm looking forward to that day.
Today is a holiday, so I was planning on taking it easy, but woke up in a cleaning mood. I have since deep cleaned the bathroom, sorted all the winter stuff, done lots of lots of laundry. Now I'm deep cleaning the bedroom and kitchen before cooking for tonight. I'm also listening to my Green Bay Packers. I sure hope they whip the Lions (sorry Roman). Not much time out for a holiday, but I figure that way I can take it easier the rest of the weekend. Hopefully.
Well, I need to go and finish cleaning so I can get cooking.
I hope that all of you are having a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Life here at the Donaldson house is busy, crazy and sometimes stressful, but truthfully aside from needing a maid, there is not a whole lot that I would change about it. Well, I would like to change the carpeting color. Who knows what someone is thinking when they chose carpeting? I loved it the first little bit and now wish I could change all of it. I suppose that if that is my main concern, life is pretty darn good. I hope that yours is too.
God Bless.

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