Monday, August 24, 2009

Catch up work.

I'm still trying to find the time to get everything organized. Before we went on vacation, I was doing pretty good at the managing to get things done thing....not lately. It seems that since we came home, I have not been able to "find the groove" again.

I feel like I spent this last weekend spinning my wheels. I WILL GET THIS FIGURED OUT THOUGH!! Today is work again. I think that I need a full week of no work, no practices, no meetings, no interruptions and I might be able to accomplish something. Hopefully, things will change here soon, and I will get myself back in gear.

Jessalyn is full swing into Show choir again. She has 2 more practices today and tomorrow before school starts next week. Jake is just trying to get all of his summer plans accomplished before school starts. I think he said that he has a whole lot of playing to get done this week. Goof ball. Jessa is in the Crantastic singers again this year. They lost one of their members this last year, so they are dedicating their last song to her and many of the previous Crantastic singers are coming back. So far I think that there is about 34 regular active Crantastics and 25 previous ones (including Jake I think) that are coming back to sing and dance in honor of Kendra. It should be great.

School starts Monday and both kids don't seem to be dreading it like usual. I think they miss their friends. Lots of their friends live in neighboring towns, so it's not like you can just ride your bike over to their house. I think that they are looking forward to seeing everyone.

I took the dog to the vet and he got a clean bill of health except for needing to lose some pounds. He is a very large dog and now weighs 109 lbs. They want him to lose 10. He is one diet food now and is not really losing, so we'll see what happens. Maybe we can all get into shape by excercising the dog. Yeah right.

Well, laundry is calling my name. Have a great day. I'll try to get better about posting to this thing, as I "get my groove back" or is that "get back into my groove"?

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