I came home last night and not one, but two bombs had gone off in my house. Children; Natures WmD s. The worst part is they were not in trouble, nor will they be for what appears to be the total destruction of my house. They will of course have to clean it up.
It's a "mysteries of life" type lesson:
It takes a lot longer and more effort to clean up the mess than it did to make it.
What happened?
The kids decided to switch rooms.
How did they get all that stuff IN their rooms to begin with?!?
The scientists and physicists and all those other " 'ists" will tell you that there is an amazing amount of space between the electrons, protons, neutrons and whatever else makes up a molecule.
Evidently, my kids have been using THAT space to put all their
So, here is how it went down:
As told to me by their co-conspirator (who I think may need an appointment with a shrink and/or priest about her willingness to inflict such pain upon herself) my wife; their mother.
Everything that was in Jessa's former room, which is the biggest, was brought out into the family room. With the exception of her bed and desk. Everything that was in Jacob's room was then brought into Jessa's former bedroom. With the exception of HIS bed and desk.
When I got home from work last night at 7pm, the total destruction of all three rooms (bedrooms and family room) was complete. However, the blast waves were still moving and spreading to the rest of the house.
Jacobs old mattress and box spring are absolutely shot.
They simply need to be burned on a proper burial pyre that would be befitting courageous warriors which have survived unimaginable conflicts and tortures too horrendous to recount; but in the end, succumbed to the deteriorating effects of old age.
So, on the burn pile it went.
This leaves a now empty frame with head and foot boards. I disassembled that and it occupies several places, including under the couch on the sun porch until I can figure out what to do with it.
With that gone, we were one bed short a good nights sleep. So an idea was proposed and a deal was made. With Jacob's help we hauled the futon couch from the living room to Jessa's new room.
She gets the futon and Jacob gets her old bed. I get a big empty spot in my living room (sort of empty. It's amazing the different kind of things you can put under a couch)
The blast wave has now affected my sun porch and my living room. In fact, I claim all the other rooms of my house as collateral damage. All the time and energy usually allotted to maintain the other rooms has been spent on this project.
Fast forward to this morning. It has been a long night for both Dea and myself. Between my allergies and the effects my allergy medicine cause, I haven't slept well. This means Dea hasn't slept well because every time I move -never mind sneezing and blowing my nose- it wakes her up. The real irony here is she doesn't sleep all that well when I'm not there, so I guess shes doomed.
Dea's gone. The kids are up, fed and back at work. Jacob who is closest to being finished is beginning to realize just how big this endeavor really is. That isn't a good thing. Still, he's plugging away at it even though there is a lot of other things he would rather be doing. He has actually made the comment "...this is what I get for being nice..." See, this wasn't his idea but he liked it at the time.
Jessa is also hard at work, but I don't think she has grasped the whole concept yet. She is decorating her new room and gradually removing her possessions from my family room. As I look at it, I don't think there is enough space in her new room to accommodate all of her stuff and her too. Let alone enough space to decorate with a designers flair. I'm waiting to see what happens when she comes to that conclusion all by her self. It should be interesting to see when she does, but I'm not going to stand too close.
With the upcoming Labor Day holiday, I have taken advantage of one of the greatest perks of working the crazy hours I do. I have explained this before, but it makes me happy to explain it again: The way my schedule works, because Monday is a holiday I can take a one "Vacation Day" on Tuesday and essentially get the whole week off.
Now I know how I will be spending that week. Cleaning. I have some other chores that I have to get to but there would have been some free time along that way. Oh well.
Dea is at work. She just called to say they had really loaded her down with mail, which means a long day for her. I told her not to worry, there will still be plenty of work here when she gets home. We aren't going to deprive her. Ya know, I don't think she found that the least bit comforting.
Well, I have taken enough time away from what I'm supposed to be doing to give you this little update. Now I have to get back to being the mean horrible Ol' man I am. My job: Keep 'em working. I don't actually DO anything, other than the occasional heavy lifting. I just make sure THEY keep doing what they need to.
Now, where's my remote?
With much love
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
We've been getting a lot of rain lately. If you have been watching the news, there has been considerable flooding. Thankfully, most of that has been 30 or more miles from here. We are doing just fine thank you.
I still haven't cleaned up from the little storm damage we did have a week ago. As I mentioned earlier the grass is growing at a staggering rate and my allergies are in high gear. I had a several sneezing fits yesterday that rattled my teeth and made my bones ache. My allergies haven't messed with me too much over this last year. I guess they're making up for lost time. Normally, I can keep going in spite of the sniffles and sneezing but with the intermittent rain also hampering what I can do, let's just say I haven't done much. I hate that. I have too much to do and not enough time to sit around "worthless". That brings me to what I really wanted to say so early in the morning:
On the right of this page you will find a link for Rachel Hauck. If you go there and click on the word "blog", she made some interesting comments about "taking 'stock' in ourselves". Reminded me of some things that have been going with me and with my job.
Honestly, I don't even consider myself a "good" Christian; never mind trying to be the image of Christ. I just know I have way too much work to do in my life before I will even come close. This is a fact I have been very honest about with anyone who needs to know.
None the less, I am a Christian.
I am keenly aware that I have taken His Name and I have become an Ambassador for Jesus.
Just like some of the people you may work with at your place of employment, just because you have the job doesn't mean you do it well. Still, I appreciate working with the people who try their best regardless of the results. The effort makes the difference.
I think we all have worked with people who just do the bare minimum. Just enough to keep their jobs and what little they do, they do grudgingly. I have also worked with people who just can't quite
"get it".
They are trying their best, but often cause more problems then they solve. I would rather work with the latter than the former any day of the week. Some people seem to be born to the work they do and can do their jobs better than anyone else. When it comes to being Jesus' ambassador, I would SO love to be that guy. The truth is, sometimes I think I cause more problems than I solve. What gets me by, is that I KNOW I am trying my best. I'm not so sure everyone "gets" that but I try not to worry too much about it because: Jesus is my defender. I know that HE knows my heart and regardless of what anyone else thinks, He is the One that Matters Most.
Still, I have to deal with the ones who "just don't get it".
Anyone see the irony here?
Anyway, to make a short story longer:
I was reading in Rachel's blog and she was talking about an unearned reputation. I could relate but on an entirely different level.
I have always been acutely aware that I am Christ's Ambassador, especially at work. God and I have a deal: I do my best and He takes care of the rest. Sounds simple but you would be amazed at how much you can stress over whether or not you are doing your best...
There is one coordinator at my job that I sometimes have to work with. He has been a thorn in my side for years and years. I have always done my best and tried to deal with his blaming me for his mistakes. He is clever, I will say that. He knows how to accuse me when I can't defend myself. Grrrrrr. Still, I have a job to do and God has allowed him to be in authority over me in those situations, so I just "deal".
Not too long ago he says to me: You know, I didn't think too much of your work in the past, but lately you have really "stepped up".
I haven't done anything different. He didn't want anything from me either. His perception of me changed and he attributed it to me. I haven't changed (that I'm aware of) I have always tried to do whatever they asked me- to the best of my ability; For Fourteen Years! Now all of a sudden I have "stepped up"?
Well, Thank you Lord. My Defender.
My point: It is a matter of priorities. It does matter what other people think. We are His Ambassadors after all. It just doesn't matter as much as what God thinks. The question now is: What do you think?
There was a song out some time ago and the lyrics talked about these famous Monks and the singer asked one what made them so special. The monk replied: We fall down. We get up.
I say this a lot because it's the Grace of Jesus that I cling to:
Winning the battle isn't as important as fighting.
Jesus has already won
We just have to keep fighting
If you fall down, get up!
Don't give up.
p.s. Jessalyn and Jacob planned and pulled off a surprise birthday party for Deanna. Jessalyn wrote Dea a card that said:
Dear mother of mine
You are now 43
One year closer to dying
I'm glad your still here
You are my mom
and I love you dear
sweet mother of mine
You Know I had to include that right?
I still haven't cleaned up from the little storm damage we did have a week ago. As I mentioned earlier the grass is growing at a staggering rate and my allergies are in high gear. I had a several sneezing fits yesterday that rattled my teeth and made my bones ache. My allergies haven't messed with me too much over this last year. I guess they're making up for lost time. Normally, I can keep going in spite of the sniffles and sneezing but with the intermittent rain also hampering what I can do, let's just say I haven't done much. I hate that. I have too much to do and not enough time to sit around "worthless". That brings me to what I really wanted to say so early in the morning:
On the right of this page you will find a link for Rachel Hauck. If you go there and click on the word "blog", she made some interesting comments about "taking 'stock' in ourselves". Reminded me of some things that have been going with me and with my job.
Honestly, I don't even consider myself a "good" Christian; never mind trying to be the image of Christ. I just know I have way too much work to do in my life before I will even come close. This is a fact I have been very honest about with anyone who needs to know.
None the less, I am a Christian.
I am keenly aware that I have taken His Name and I have become an Ambassador for Jesus.
Just like some of the people you may work with at your place of employment, just because you have the job doesn't mean you do it well. Still, I appreciate working with the people who try their best regardless of the results. The effort makes the difference.
I think we all have worked with people who just do the bare minimum. Just enough to keep their jobs and what little they do, they do grudgingly. I have also worked with people who just can't quite
"get it".
They are trying their best, but often cause more problems then they solve. I would rather work with the latter than the former any day of the week. Some people seem to be born to the work they do and can do their jobs better than anyone else. When it comes to being Jesus' ambassador, I would SO love to be that guy. The truth is, sometimes I think I cause more problems than I solve. What gets me by, is that I KNOW I am trying my best. I'm not so sure everyone "gets" that but I try not to worry too much about it because: Jesus is my defender. I know that HE knows my heart and regardless of what anyone else thinks, He is the One that Matters Most.
Still, I have to deal with the ones who "just don't get it".
Anyone see the irony here?
Anyway, to make a short story longer:
I was reading in Rachel's blog and she was talking about an unearned reputation. I could relate but on an entirely different level.
I have always been acutely aware that I am Christ's Ambassador, especially at work. God and I have a deal: I do my best and He takes care of the rest. Sounds simple but you would be amazed at how much you can stress over whether or not you are doing your best...
There is one coordinator at my job that I sometimes have to work with. He has been a thorn in my side for years and years. I have always done my best and tried to deal with his blaming me for his mistakes. He is clever, I will say that. He knows how to accuse me when I can't defend myself. Grrrrrr. Still, I have a job to do and God has allowed him to be in authority over me in those situations, so I just "deal".
Not too long ago he says to me: You know, I didn't think too much of your work in the past, but lately you have really "stepped up".
I haven't done anything different. He didn't want anything from me either. His perception of me changed and he attributed it to me. I haven't changed (that I'm aware of) I have always tried to do whatever they asked me- to the best of my ability; For Fourteen Years! Now all of a sudden I have "stepped up"?
Well, Thank you Lord. My Defender.
My point: It is a matter of priorities. It does matter what other people think. We are His Ambassadors after all. It just doesn't matter as much as what God thinks. The question now is: What do you think?
There was a song out some time ago and the lyrics talked about these famous Monks and the singer asked one what made them so special. The monk replied: We fall down. We get up.
I say this a lot because it's the Grace of Jesus that I cling to:
Winning the battle isn't as important as fighting.
Jesus has already won
We just have to keep fighting
If you fall down, get up!
Don't give up.
p.s. Jessalyn and Jacob planned and pulled off a surprise birthday party for Deanna. Jessalyn wrote Dea a card that said:
Dear mother of mine
You are now 43
One year closer to dying
I'm glad your still here
You are my mom
and I love you dear
sweet mother of mine
You Know I had to include that right?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Waz Up?
How's that for an out of style title? It has been a whirlwind around here for a while so I thought I would take just a couple of minutes to catch us up. Of course if I only take a couple of minutes then that means I'm going to miss a bunch of stuff. Sorry 'bout that.
I don't know if we are going to post much more info about our vacation to Canada. It's all old news and the rest of the pics are pretty much just tombstones. Deanna may change my mind on that for me; if she does, you'll be the first to know. I did want to take a second to again, thank everyone we met along the way for helping to make our trip such a success. I am afraid to name names for fear of leaving someone out and everyone was sooo wonderful I just don't want to do that. So, I'm not going to name anyone! (besides it's all I can do to remember my wife's name never mind anyone else!)
Since the last blog we were trying to get ready for my Mom, Dad, and our wonderful friends from Holland Henny and Nanny to come and visit. Of course we didn't get half the stuff done that we wanted too but they didn't seem to mind. I had wanted to build a screen porch to help beat the summer heat. I have all the materials to make it, so I figured it would cost only about sixty bucks to build. To get permission from the county to build it is going to cost me a hundred dollars and I have to wait until they come inspect the property first. Sheesh! Here is the punch line though: After I build it, No One Comes To Inspect It! That's right! They want to make sure I don't build it on someone Else's property, but if it's rickety and hazardously built they don't care and won't check on it. Nice huh? Only in America. It's Okay I still fly the American Flag. I just hope no one notices that I put the flag pole up with out permission!
Anyway, I didn't build the porch. At least not yet.
Thankfully, Mom and Dad's travel trailer has air conditioning so we beat the heat that way. We had such a great time together and laughed and laughed. Deanna (that is her name...right?) and I really needed it. We are only sorry that it was such a short time. Henny and Nanny are such fantastic people! We are truly blessed with friends like them. Of course Mom and Dad were great, after all, where do you think I get it from? (my humility too!)
By the By, Mom and Dad are considering selling their travel trailer if you are interested, we can make you a deal...No tire kickers! :-) Myself, I told Dad I won't put the "for Sale" sign on it. He has to. It's a symbolic thing. I am happy knowing there is a place here for my parents to come to, that is ready when they are. But it's just symbolic, because I know they wouldn't let anything stop them from coming to visit. Does anyone understand this? I noticed that Dad didn't seem to find the time to put the "for sale" sign on it either. Hmmm.
With all of that out of the way the annual trip to Green*Lake occurred this last week. This is a camping trip that originally was just the women from the Oakes family and their kids. It has grown and Morphed over the years. No one really camps anymore. I have always teased Dea that she doesn't camp, she Moves! You should see this woman pack! The women play a game at green lake: What could we possibly NEED that Deanna doesn't have? They haven't won that game yet. This year Dave went with Dottie and I went with Deanna and we all rented a nice house near were they used to camp. In Fact, I believe everyone stayed in a cabin of some sort. No tents and no trailers. It was quiet and peaceful and very nice. I had to leave a couple of nights early because of work, but still it was all very nice. Deanna comes from a very nice family and I am glad to know all of them. I am very grateful they let us few men in on their ladies trip.
Since then we have been mellowing out here at home. My work is going through some changes but that doesn't matter much to me because my life ergo my work is in God's merciful hands. Still, there has been some added stress. The house is a wreck again but we are starting to un-bury. There have been some short but windy storms lately. We Need the Rain. Just not the wind. Lot's of trees down all around us but nothing much disturbed at our house. The neighbor lost a big big tree that I will have to help chainsaw up, but I only have a fence panel that leans a little more than it already was. God is Good. All the time.
I mowed the lawn yesterday for the first time in three weeks. It's been too dry and the grass was almost dead. Looking at the grass yesterday morning, I don't think any of the rain made it past the grass into the dirt. It looked like the grass grew four inches over night! Yeah Yeah, I know it didn't, but it sure looked like it. I know it was growing and "going to seed" because by the time I was done mowing, my eyes were swollen and watery and I couldn't go more than minute without sneezing. Allergies; God's way of letting you know He can Mess with you whenever He wants - No wait! I mean God's way of teaching us to lean on His Grace! Yeah! that's the ticket! (sniffle)
Today it rained all day. The good kind of rain that isn't too hard to cause flooding and run off and not so light it evaporates before it hits the ground. It was really good and I know the crops around here sure needed it. Of course this means the lawn will need to be mowed again...
We just found out a couple of minutes ago that Jacob has been accepted into a special class at high school this year that will allow him to do most of his scholastic learning on a computer at school and he will be able to work at his own pace. Which means faster or slower as he needs. We are hoping this will keep him from getting bored and give him the time when he needs it. That is a big answered prayer for us and we pray it will continue to be. We will have two orientations for him this year and they both happen this next week. Jessalyn's orientation is the following week I believe.
That pretty much brings you up to speed. Cranfest is just around the corner so you will be hearing more about that. ( I apologize in advance!) and Dea was reading over my shoulder and has informed me that there WILL be more pics from the vacation folder (told you!). Don't forget our running commentator on the right, or of course you can just leave a regular comment if you like. I truly pray that the presence of the Lord and His Holy Spirit will continue to increase in your life!
I don't know if we are going to post much more info about our vacation to Canada. It's all old news and the rest of the pics are pretty much just tombstones. Deanna may change my mind on that for me; if she does, you'll be the first to know. I did want to take a second to again, thank everyone we met along the way for helping to make our trip such a success. I am afraid to name names for fear of leaving someone out and everyone was sooo wonderful I just don't want to do that. So, I'm not going to name anyone! (besides it's all I can do to remember my wife's name never mind anyone else!)
Since the last blog we were trying to get ready for my Mom, Dad, and our wonderful friends from Holland Henny and Nanny to come and visit. Of course we didn't get half the stuff done that we wanted too but they didn't seem to mind. I had wanted to build a screen porch to help beat the summer heat. I have all the materials to make it, so I figured it would cost only about sixty bucks to build. To get permission from the county to build it is going to cost me a hundred dollars and I have to wait until they come inspect the property first. Sheesh! Here is the punch line though: After I build it, No One Comes To Inspect It! That's right! They want to make sure I don't build it on someone Else's property, but if it's rickety and hazardously built they don't care and won't check on it. Nice huh? Only in America. It's Okay I still fly the American Flag. I just hope no one notices that I put the flag pole up with out permission!
Anyway, I didn't build the porch. At least not yet.
Thankfully, Mom and Dad's travel trailer has air conditioning so we beat the heat that way. We had such a great time together and laughed and laughed. Deanna (that is her name...right?) and I really needed it. We are only sorry that it was such a short time. Henny and Nanny are such fantastic people! We are truly blessed with friends like them. Of course Mom and Dad were great, after all, where do you think I get it from? (my humility too!)
By the By, Mom and Dad are considering selling their travel trailer if you are interested, we can make you a deal...No tire kickers! :-) Myself, I told Dad I won't put the "for Sale" sign on it. He has to. It's a symbolic thing. I am happy knowing there is a place here for my parents to come to, that is ready when they are. But it's just symbolic, because I know they wouldn't let anything stop them from coming to visit. Does anyone understand this? I noticed that Dad didn't seem to find the time to put the "for sale" sign on it either. Hmmm.
With all of that out of the way the annual trip to Green*Lake occurred this last week. This is a camping trip that originally was just the women from the Oakes family and their kids. It has grown and Morphed over the years. No one really camps anymore. I have always teased Dea that she doesn't camp, she Moves! You should see this woman pack! The women play a game at green lake: What could we possibly NEED that Deanna doesn't have? They haven't won that game yet. This year Dave went with Dottie and I went with Deanna and we all rented a nice house near were they used to camp. In Fact, I believe everyone stayed in a cabin of some sort. No tents and no trailers. It was quiet and peaceful and very nice. I had to leave a couple of nights early because of work, but still it was all very nice. Deanna comes from a very nice family and I am glad to know all of them. I am very grateful they let us few men in on their ladies trip.
Since then we have been mellowing out here at home. My work is going through some changes but that doesn't matter much to me because my life ergo my work is in God's merciful hands. Still, there has been some added stress. The house is a wreck again but we are starting to un-bury. There have been some short but windy storms lately. We Need the Rain. Just not the wind. Lot's of trees down all around us but nothing much disturbed at our house. The neighbor lost a big big tree that I will have to help chainsaw up, but I only have a fence panel that leans a little more than it already was. God is Good. All the time.
I mowed the lawn yesterday for the first time in three weeks. It's been too dry and the grass was almost dead. Looking at the grass yesterday morning, I don't think any of the rain made it past the grass into the dirt. It looked like the grass grew four inches over night! Yeah Yeah, I know it didn't, but it sure looked like it. I know it was growing and "going to seed" because by the time I was done mowing, my eyes were swollen and watery and I couldn't go more than minute without sneezing. Allergies; God's way of letting you know He can Mess with you whenever He wants - No wait! I mean God's way of teaching us to lean on His Grace! Yeah! that's the ticket! (sniffle)
Today it rained all day. The good kind of rain that isn't too hard to cause flooding and run off and not so light it evaporates before it hits the ground. It was really good and I know the crops around here sure needed it. Of course this means the lawn will need to be mowed again...
We just found out a couple of minutes ago that Jacob has been accepted into a special class at high school this year that will allow him to do most of his scholastic learning on a computer at school and he will be able to work at his own pace. Which means faster or slower as he needs. We are hoping this will keep him from getting bored and give him the time when he needs it. That is a big answered prayer for us and we pray it will continue to be. We will have two orientations for him this year and they both happen this next week. Jessalyn's orientation is the following week I believe.
That pretty much brings you up to speed. Cranfest is just around the corner so you will be hearing more about that. ( I apologize in advance!) and Dea was reading over my shoulder and has informed me that there WILL be more pics from the vacation folder (told you!). Don't forget our running commentator on the right, or of course you can just leave a regular comment if you like. I truly pray that the presence of the Lord and His Holy Spirit will continue to increase in your life!
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A hunting we will go..A hunting we will go...
The main reason that I have dreamed of this trip to Canada was the chance to find out more about my ancestors. Garrett Oakes is the road block that I have hit in trying to find out my family history. We can chase it back to his birth in 1791/1792, but it really goes no further than that.
He was quite a prominent figure in the history of the Talbot Settlement and establishing Elgin County, Ontario, Canada.
I have always loved history even as a little child. I soak it up like a sponge. Probably due to the fact that I was raised by a Civil War buff. I think I have been to most of the Civil War Battlefields. One fall we took in most of the historical places on the east coast on a great trip with my family. For me history has always been almost a "living thing" . It certainly feels real. I can put names with places etc and that was an advantage in school. One of the most "profound" moments of my life was when I stepped onto the field at Gettysburg. Another was Lincoln's tomb in Springfield... and now another is stepping into that ravine and walking the trail to Garrett's tombstone. That beautiful setting and the sense of history there brought tears to my eyes and I felt a reverence there not unlike Gettysburg. To me that spot that God has made so beautiful was more beautiful than any cathedral. I honestly could have spent hours just standing there soaking it in. It was somehow like you could feel God's presence there in a "different" way. Very moving to say the least. There really is something about walking where your ancestors walked over 100 years ago.
Brenda had called ahead to ask the wonderful people who live above the ravine, if we could tramp over their yard to get to the cemetery. Mary Lou was gracious enough to even offer to take us down herself and act as a guide. What a blessing. She knew right where to go and was full of information. Then to make it even better she sent more pictures after we were home. Her hubby Tom was great and just happened to be restoring a 1939 Dodge (which is what Jacob owns here at home and hopes to restore soon.) Tom then showed "the boys" all of his goodies and truthfully, my son and husband would have been thrilled to stay there all day and learn. What a wonderful time. Not only the cemetery, but now the car. You see 1939 Dodges from what I understand are few and far between. Jacob and Will have been searching for info and parts with little luck. Now here they were with a walking and talking authority. Dream come true for Jacob. Grasping their"how to books" that Tom graciously shared....we headed out for the next stop, but to tell you the truth, that stop made it worth the whole trip, right then. It didn't really matter much what else happened.
I will tell you this about our trip to Canada. We never ran into one person that was not ready to go out of their way to help us. Everyone that we met was great and it was made a greater trip for meeting them. I was really impressed with the people of that community. I hope that I can be as great a blessing to those who come here to ours.
He was quite a prominent figure in the history of the Talbot Settlement and establishing Elgin County, Ontario, Canada.
I have always loved history even as a little child. I soak it up like a sponge. Probably due to the fact that I was raised by a Civil War buff. I think I have been to most of the Civil War Battlefields. One fall we took in most of the historical places on the east coast on a great trip with my family. For me history has always been almost a "living thing" . It certainly feels real. I can put names with places etc and that was an advantage in school. One of the most "profound" moments of my life was when I stepped onto the field at Gettysburg. Another was Lincoln's tomb in Springfield... and now another is stepping into that ravine and walking the trail to Garrett's tombstone. That beautiful setting and the sense of history there brought tears to my eyes and I felt a reverence there not unlike Gettysburg. To me that spot that God has made so beautiful was more beautiful than any cathedral. I honestly could have spent hours just standing there soaking it in. It was somehow like you could feel God's presence there in a "different" way. Very moving to say the least. There really is something about walking where your ancestors walked over 100 years ago.
Brenda had called ahead to ask the wonderful people who live above the ravine, if we could tramp over their yard to get to the cemetery. Mary Lou was gracious enough to even offer to take us down herself and act as a guide. What a blessing. She knew right where to go and was full of information. Then to make it even better she sent more pictures after we were home. Her hubby Tom was great and just happened to be restoring a 1939 Dodge (which is what Jacob owns here at home and hopes to restore soon.) Tom then showed "the boys" all of his goodies and truthfully, my son and husband would have been thrilled to stay there all day and learn. What a wonderful time. Not only the cemetery, but now the car. You see 1939 Dodges from what I understand are few and far between. Jacob and Will have been searching for info and parts with little luck. Now here they were with a walking and talking authority. Dream come true for Jacob. Grasping their"how to books" that Tom graciously shared....we headed out for the next stop, but to tell you the truth, that stop made it worth the whole trip, right then. It didn't really matter much what else happened.
I will tell you this about our trip to Canada. We never ran into one person that was not ready to go out of their way to help us. Everyone that we met was great and it was made a greater trip for meeting them. I was really impressed with the people of that community. I hope that I can be as great a blessing to those who come here to ours.
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