Friday, August 31, 2007

Weap*ns of M@ss D'stuction!

I came home last night and not one, but two bombs had gone off in my house. Children; Natures WmD s. The worst part is they were not in trouble, nor will they be for what appears to be the total destruction of my house. They will of course have to clean it up.
It's a "mysteries of life" type lesson:
It takes a lot longer and more effort to clean up the mess than it did to make it.

What happened?
The kids decided to switch rooms.

How did they get all that stuff IN their rooms to begin with?!?

The scientists and physicists and all those other " 'ists" will tell you that there is an amazing amount of space between the electrons, protons, neutrons and whatever else makes up a molecule.

Evidently, my kids have been using THAT space to put all their

So, here is how it went down:
As told to me by their co-conspirator (who I think may need an appointment with a shrink and/or priest about her willingness to inflict such pain upon herself) my wife; their mother.

Everything that was in Jessa's former room, which is the biggest, was brought out into the family room. With the exception of her bed and desk. Everything that was in Jacob's room was then brought into Jessa's former bedroom. With the exception of HIS bed and desk.

When I got home from work last night at 7pm, the total destruction of all three rooms (bedrooms and family room) was complete. However, the blast waves were still moving and spreading to the rest of the house.

Jacobs old mattress and box spring are absolutely shot.

They simply need to be burned on a proper burial pyre that would be befitting courageous warriors which have survived unimaginable conflicts and tortures too horrendous to recount; but in the end, succumbed to the deteriorating effects of old age.

So, on the burn pile it went.

This leaves a now empty frame with head and foot boards. I disassembled that and it occupies several places, including under the couch on the sun porch until I can figure out what to do with it.

With that gone, we were one bed short a good nights sleep. So an idea was proposed and a deal was made. With Jacob's help we hauled the futon couch from the living room to Jessa's new room.
She gets the futon and Jacob gets her old bed. I get a big empty spot in my living room (sort of empty. It's amazing the different kind of things you can put under a couch)

The blast wave has now affected my sun porch and my living room. In fact, I claim all the other rooms of my house as collateral damage. All the time and energy usually allotted to maintain the other rooms has been spent on this project.

Fast forward to this morning. It has been a long night for both Dea and myself. Between my allergies and the effects my allergy medicine cause, I haven't slept well. This means Dea hasn't slept well because every time I move -never mind sneezing and blowing my nose- it wakes her up. The real irony here is she doesn't sleep all that well when I'm not there, so I guess shes doomed.
Dea's gone. The kids are up, fed and back at work. Jacob who is closest to being finished is beginning to realize just how big this endeavor really is. That isn't a good thing. Still, he's plugging away at it even though there is a lot of other things he would rather be doing. He has actually made the comment "...this is what I get for being nice..." See, this wasn't his idea but he liked it at the time.
Jessa is also hard at work, but I don't think she has grasped the whole concept yet. She is decorating her new room and gradually removing her possessions from my family room. As I look at it, I don't think there is enough space in her new room to accommodate all of her stuff and her too. Let alone enough space to decorate with a designers flair. I'm waiting to see what happens when she comes to that conclusion all by her self. It should be interesting to see when she does, but I'm not going to stand too close.

With the upcoming Labor Day holiday, I have taken advantage of one of the greatest perks of working the crazy hours I do. I have explained this before, but it makes me happy to explain it again: The way my schedule works, because Monday is a holiday I can take a one "Vacation Day" on Tuesday and essentially get the whole week off.

Now I know how I will be spending that week. Cleaning. I have some other chores that I have to get to but there would have been some free time along that way. Oh well.

Dea is at work. She just called to say they had really loaded her down with mail, which means a long day for her. I told her not to worry, there will still be plenty of work here when she gets home. We aren't going to deprive her. Ya know, I don't think she found that the least bit comforting.

Well, I have taken enough time away from what I'm supposed to be doing to give you this little update. Now I have to get back to being the mean horrible Ol' man I am. My job: Keep 'em working. I don't actually DO anything, other than the occasional heavy lifting. I just make sure THEY keep doing what they need to.

Now, where's my remote?

With much love


Anonymous said...

Sounds like time for a garage sale. The kids would be rich and have more room to put their stuff.
I think the hardest thing is trying to sort the good stuff from the junk.


Will H. Donaldson Family said...

You said it Bob! Though the truth is that most will be thrown out as unrecognizable and the rest will be donated to the Goodwill store. Still the hard part is deciding what to "part" with! :)

Anonymous said...

Boy Oh boy Oh boy, We are sooooo excited. The suspense is killing us. Please hurry and let us see what happens next in Chapter 2 of your new book. It is sooooooooooooo good and funny too. Maybe we are related to Erma Bombeck? LOL It is very well done. (I hope it isn't to tragical for them.)lol I hope they have a good sense of humor about this. love Mom & Dad

Will H. Donaldson Family said...

life happens, just not as regularly as you would like...;-)