Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hoo boy! and Here we Go!

One of the great things about reading other peoples blogs is they give me a great starting point to start yammering away on why I should be king of the world. Really I should be, it would be such a better place. Well, for me it would. O.K. not really. Shoot that's a wasted paragraph.

Alrighty, where wuz I goin' wit dis? Oh yeah. (hey it's 5am in the morning! cut me some slack okay?) Rachel has a post about a ban on bans. Well, she got me thinking (as she usually does) that I have been down that road before. It's a nice road. I think I will go down it again and take it farther than Rachel did.

Pay attention to the next sentence because you may want to call your congressmen with this suggestion:

For every new law/ban made we need to remove/repeal 3 old, stupid, freedom stealing laws/bans.

Seriously, We all know there are a heap of old laws that no longer really apply. Silly things (like you need to have a flag man in front and behind your horseless carriage) that should be repealed cuz no one listens to that one any way. But more important are the stupid laws designed to protect us from ourselves.

I am an addict. I am addicted to tobacco. I have always known it's unhealthy and I don't believe anyone really ever thought it was good for you. Kind of like Ice Cream. No one really believes it's good for you but that isn't going to stop us from eating it. I love tobacco. I love it as chew. I love it as snuff. I love to smoke it as a cigarrette and I love it in a pipe and as a cigar.

I haven't touched the stuff in over 11 years.

I quit about six months before Jessa was born. I quit cold turkey. I was only going to quit for 3 months so I could get cheaper life insurance. I figured after I got the insurance I could go back to my tobacco. I just never got the insurance until a few months ago. Seems kind of silly to go back to it now.

Here is the thing. I know that tobacco is bad for me. I also know it's an addiction because even after all these years, when I walk outside after work and smell the cigarrette smoke of my coworkers, I want one. I want one bad.

But I digress.

The point of the tobacco story? I didn't need legislation to quit. All I needed was to see my 3 year old son playing with my pipe to think:
"Oh, This Is Such A Bad Idea". It's knowing how disappointed my wife and kids would be with me that keeps me walking past my coworkers at the end of the day.

Still digressing. (sigh)

Rachel attributed all these bans to fear. Of course she is right. Just incomplete. These bans and freedom stealing laws are really about power and control. Law makers (notice I didn't say lawyers) are simply using our fear to make us agree that it's better for them to control our lives than it is for us to control ourselves.

Silly us.

Really, let's take it to the extreme. What's next? Let's outlaw extreme sports! They are way too dangerous! No mountain climbing! People die doing that. In fact we need to repeal the federal speed limit laws. Safe driving can only be done in a Buick driven at 20 miles per hour. In fact let's scratch that all together. Everyone must live in a large city and they must work with in walking distance of their home. There can be mass transit but you must have a permit to take it and it's only to be used for going to a hospital or government office. (like to get a permit for taking the mass transit) If there are more than 20 people on any mass transit vehicle you will have to wait. It's much too dangerous.

Oh, and don't forget the complete ban on Ice Cream. It is costing us too much in health care don't cha know. At least we should tax it with a "sin" tax until we can't afford it.

Wait! You say I'm being ridiculous? Sorry, I don't see much difference between ice cream and tobacco. There is a difference but not THAT much.

As Rachel pointed out there are silly bans at school and at play centers and of course at work that are all about being politically correct. She pointed out a ban on toy soldiers at school.


Evidently defending your country and your family and your way of life is politically incorrect. Little children shouldn't be exposed to such things.

Can I spread some of that on my tomato plants? I bet the tomatoes would be huge!

Here I thought that being an American soldier was an Honorable and courageous occupation. One that any American should be proud of.

I don't think I'm the only one to notice the difference between a toy gun and a toy soldier holding a toy gun? Puhleez.

But Hey! It's not like we can be bothered to point that out to the control freak of this planet.

We're too busy trying to live forever by taking all the fun out of living!

You know we really should put a ban on children. After all child birth is Way Too Dangerous. Not a limit mind you. A complete ban. No more babies ever.

That would Solve All our Problems! Permanently!

Of course there is also that small problem that making a law against something doesn't really stop it anyway.

They outlawed drugs like Marijuana and Cocaine. So of course, we don't have those in our country anymore right?

So if we outlaw Guns that will take all the guns out of our country right?

digressing again

Seriously, imagine the good we could do and the torture we could put our lawmakers through if we forced them to repeal 3 laws for every new law they write. I am not insensitive. Let's try it for 10 years and see what happens.

It would be my luck, this would be the first law repealed.

O.K. I shouldn't be king of the world. There is this other King; He really would do a great job if we would let him.

Here is the best part. He only has ten laws.
Even better, If you only obey two of His laws, You will in fact obey all ten of His laws.

I understand that some people need things spelled out for them in crayon. I know because I am one of them. Well, this King has a book.
This book explains just what you need to know to live a happy fulfilling life even when it all doesn't work out like you hoped.

Here is a really cool thing about that book: It doesn't matter if you are an atheist or agnostic or a politician; if you live your life by the advice of the Kings book you will still live a happy and fulfilling life.

Ever notice? They took prayer out of school; they took the ten commandments out of school and now the kids are taking each other out.

Hmmmmmm. And again I say: Hmmmmmmm

Naw, that can't be it. Must be the toy soldiers.


Dear Lord, you remember that part in Your Prayer about "Thy Kingdom come"? Just wanted you to know: AMEN!



Rebekah said...

Very good post... humorous too

Anonymous said...

Hi, did you guys know that starting yesterday, telephones are banned while you are driving, unless you have it on your ear, or speaker? WHEW!!! I prayed for that ban. I agree with you about the toy soldiers. They started to talk about that when you were a baby. No toy guns. You know of course what happened. You got it!!! " Bang said the child, I got you. And his finger was pointed right at me. Of course down I went. LOL You know, that is the reason the Bible is so dangerous. It points right at you. And look out, you might have to go down.

Rachel Hauck said...

Good job! I was too lazy to go much farther, but yes. it is about control and power fueled by fear.

But, I think people are afraid, so they try to control. It's a vicious cycle.

Love, Rachel