Wednesday, September 19, 2007

To Err Is Human...

...To really mess things up, takes a computer.

Let's recap. First of all, I'm cheap. I prefer to say: I list my priorities differently than others; the truth is, I'm cheap.

"Way back in the day..." as a kid I got into computers in a big way. This is in the days of 286 computers. I remember the excitement when the radio station I worked for got a 486 computer! If you are not sure what those numbers mean, well that is to tell you how long ago it was. Those are the numbers for the "hertz" of the chips. As in Mega Hertz. Now we say "Giga hertz". That 486 was a beauty too, it even had a whole megabyte of hard drive! whoo hoo!

Then, I got into something much much better than computers. Women!
Well, a Woman to be specific. I was already into women as a rule, but I met my wife about this time and as most of you know it didn't take us long to get married, start a life together and then to start a family.
There just wasn't time, energy, or money for computers;
For a very long time.

Shortly after Micr*s*ft came out with Wind*ws XP (!) I decided to try getting back into computers again. I knew I would have a rather large gap in my education and wanted to try to control the damage I could do.
Remember, I'm cheap.
So, I called a large computer company and my conversation went like this:

Them: Hi! this is D*ll! how can I help you?

Me: I would like to buy a computer.

Them: And what can I interest you in?

Me: What's the cheapest system you have?

Them: Well sir! you have called at a great time! Right now we have several great systems on special! Plus now for a limited time we include a free upgrade of Ram with each system purchased!

Me: What's cheapest?

Them: Well, right now sir we have our televised special! it includes...

Me (interrupting "Them"): Not that. Lower. What's your lowest priced system?

Them (sounding hurt): Well sir, that IS our lowest priced system...

Me (sounding "not convinced"): C'mon, I know you have something that's lower.

Them (sounding guilty for what they are going to say):
"Well, we do have this one system...

Me: Great! I'll take it! With the free upgrade and hey, let's splurge and upgrade the CD ROM to a CD recorder!

How long ago was it when XP came out? That is how old my very bottom of the drawer computer is. It is also the one I'm typing this post on.
It is SO bottom of the drawer it isn't really even "upgrade-able" anymore. Those two upgrades I got are it. I would have to completely build a new one using this chassis to attempt to modify it further. But why? it still is working great. Unlike that "New-to-me everything is rebuilt" computer that was given me. It was given to me because we were convinced this one was going to "die" soon. It didn't, but the new one...
well, it isn't dead.
I think I have to replace the internal modem.
First, I will have to back up "my Docs" and Outl**k Expr*ss
What a pain.

This is entirely my fault mind you.

We have a lot of lightening strikes around here and they are notorious for traveling down our phone lines.
It's so bad it's fried the last two phone surge suppressors we had.

So of course I didn't replace them.

I am SO proud of myself right now.

As I am on dial up it isn't as easy to set up a network between the two computers. If I could get broadband the wireless router would take care of it for me. Of course who knows if that would be a smoking wreck right now or not..

Now my wonderful, kind parents have found an xp machine for me and the family! In technology, it is somewhere between the two machines I have now. It isn't new by a long shot, but it should be Very Nice! And it will solve a lot of Problems for me.

Here is my question for those of you who really are computer savvy:
I would like to network all three computers together; Allow each computer internet access but because I can only get dial up, it can only be one at a time. I would also like an easy way to back up each computer to each other preferably, or perhaps a central harddrive like the ibook. The oldest computer (this one) does NOT have an ethernet port.
Any suggestions?
oh, and anyone got a cheap modem lying around?

How is your day?
Romans 8:28!

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