Saturday, March 22, 2008

What a Tease!!

A couple of days of 44 degrees (F) and then wham!
6 inches of snow! Yuck!

This is a weird kind of snow too.

Until I moved to Wisconsin I just didn't realize how many different kinds of snow there really are. I just thought snow is snow; ya know?

This is stuff is bad...or good depending on your disposition.
If you are looking to make the meanest snowball ever than this is the stuff.

It's wet.
It's sticky.
It packs down really really well.
You could really hurt someone with this stuff!

On the other hand...

It's wet.
It's sticky.
It packs down really really well.
it's really really easy to slip, fall, and hurt yourself with!

Cars slid off the road yesterday with such regularity it looked like an Olympic sport:

synchronized carnage.

Thursday morning I got up early to burn my pile of scrap wood. I was in a hurry because I needed to get it done before all the snow melted. For the first time since November I could actually see grass in my yard. The temperature Thursday was 44 degrees. As I was burning, my wife called to tell me the forecast for Friday: Snow. Anywhere from 2 to 10 inches! Did I mention: Yuck! ?

You can no longer see grass in my yard.

To put a good spin on this, this morning I'm going over to help Kris and Marge tear down a building and set fire to it and another scrap pile. This weather means it should be safer to do that. Provided I can make it to their house without getting stuck.

Deanna has to deliver Mail in this stuff.

Yuck! again.

Someone told me this is the earliest Easter that this generation will ever see. I don't know if that's true or not but I pray this Easter is your Best one yet!

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