Friday, November 06, 2009

About Honor and Blessing...

I have been following a pair of eagles this year since starting my new route. I named them Honor and Glory (Glory is the girl). I had named them Honor and Regal, but Will said I could not name the bird Regal Eagle. I agreed. Well, Honor and Glory had a daughter this year. I watched her grow, learn to fly by flapping from branch to branch and finally take full flight. It has been a dream come true for someone who loves eagles.

I know that the offspring is a girl because she already outweighs her father by quite a bit. Male eagles are smaller than their mates. For some reason, the girl spends more time with her father than her mother. I don't know if he is the better teacher or what. I'll have to study on that one. It took me a long time to name her, but her name is now Blessing.

The other day I was out on the route and they were in a tree right above the road. I stopped and spoke to them and enjoyed a lunch break while watching them. I took pictures, but because of the overcast day, they didn't turn out too well. You can see the outline though. The bird on the right is Blessing. She is brown with white patches. She does not have a full white head yet, like her parents, but when the wind blows her feathers show white underneath on her head (like she had a bad dye job done). She is beautiful. On the left is Honor. You can see the size difference. On his left is a squirrel's nest so that is not another bird.

Just wanted to share.

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