Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I'm So Sorry...

....I seem to be saying that a lot lately. Oh well. This time it's for going so long between posts. It isn't that we haven't anything to say or show but just not the time and energy to do it. Deanna has been going nuts with her camera phone and I was hoping that by now she would be able to post some of them but she works so hard that it just hasn't happened. My excuse? Well, I was kinda hoping to blame it all on her but I can't. I haven't worked the last two days; so, no excuses there. We installed a new front door to replace the old ugly one that has been there since this house was a convenience store. It was pretty rusted and hanging from it's hinges. A great big Thank You to Deanna's Dad Dave. I tore out the old one (the easy job) and he installed the new one (the hard job). Another thank you to Dave because he gave us the new door. He used to have it in his house for a little while but decided to do something else. So, he had to reinstall a door that had been installed before. If you've ever done that, you realize it's a lot harder to do (right) than to put in a new one. It's beautiful and waiting for me to finish trimming out. I should have that done by spring....maybe. Hopefully, I can get Deanna to post a picture of it.

She also has a couple of pics of some of the Bald Eagles on her route. There's a story that goes with them, so maybe you can get it all together.

Well, Jacob has a choir concert tonight and we're on our way but I couldn't put this (and you) off any longer; I couldn't stand the guilt!

God Bless!


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