Wednesday, June 01, 2005

June 1st 2005

7:19pm and I feel like it must be closer to 10pm. I am "plum tuckered out!” Dea and I started our morning out getting the kids ready for school. Dea started earlier than I did (she's nice that way!). Jacob needed to be driven to school today because he is going on a three-day trip with his class. It’s actually supposed to be a part of his grade. I hope so; he needs all the help he can get! Seeing as how Jacob needed to be driven Dea went ahead and drove Jessalyn as well. After that we went and dropped just shy of a "grand" on a transmission for the Lumina. Let me tell ya there isn’t much work involved in writing a check like that but it sure can make you tired! It wasn't even a new one! Sheesh. Well Mechanics have to eat too I suppose; but still, it hurts. For those of you that don't know; the transmission going out is my fault; I paid the car off (sigh). After doing that Dea drove it to her parents farm and said it ran fine but that one of the shocks or struts is "squeaking". I drove it later and heard noises in the engine bay I don't like, so now, I'm kind of nervous except I'm thinking warm thoughts: "Warranty on parts and labor"; "Warranty on parts and labor". Its not the greatest of all mantras but it works for me!
Any way we spent the rest of the day getting ready for her folks auction. I can't wait for June 6th to be done and gone. The amount of stuff they have collected is staggering. Even they say so! Unfortunately a very large portion of that stuff is large and heavy. That’s where I come in. Hi! My name is Manuel! Manuel Labor! I think today alone I moved 20 doors, a refrigerator, a freezer, a large coal burning (I think) stove, several tables, a couch, 20 or more windows, and at least a dozen chairs. Dea was hard at work too but with the little stuff. There was lots of glass collectables and things to sort. I kept hearing snippets of conversation that sounded like ", you have to keep that because (whoever) gave that to you and they will know if you sell it and then they'll be upset...." or "...oh yeah we got that at (again, whoever’s) auction. Think I paid a quarter...” Jessa joined us after school and did a great job too. Now, we are home and the girls are watching TV while I type this. It’s kind of quiet without Jacob around.... I will try to get some pics of the farm and all the stuff tomorrow but no promises!
Numbers 6:24

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