Friday, December 30, 2005

What a weird day!

I came home yesterday to a pretty serious hubby. It seems that our furnace which died the day after Christmas was dead. Not only dead, but truly DEAD! The only solution was to replace it. It is quite an exercise in faith on our part, knowing that God is in control and letting him stay there. When your world starts to fall apart, you have no choice but to depend on him for everything. The only problem is, I tend to try to help him control it. I'm not saying that I jerk the reigns back, but I do try to try to give him hints on what, when and how he should do things. Not taking some form of action except prayer is a very hard thing for me. I have always been one that sees something that needs to be done and so I do it. Not a big deal. This time it is a big deal and the only solution we have is God.
Then today, like almost every other day since the beginning of November, I went to work. The only difference is that they predicted 3-6 inches of snow. Boy were they wrong. What proof that only God knows what the weather will rained. AND rained AND rained. I was soaked by the time I finished the route. Who would ever have thought that on December 30th we would have rain? Oh well, at least the roads were not slippery for the most part.
When I came home the new furnace was in already. I guess they had it in before noon. What a great bunch of people at Bill's heating. I have known Bill all my life and really appreciate his willingness to run over here and fix the old beast we had, no matter when we called. The funny thing is, he was here to fix it Christmas Eve last year so that we could have the party and then this year, it was the day after Christmas. Now I don't mean to be terrible, but I really hope and pray that he does not come back for a while, at least not professionally.
Today was my last day on Route 6. I have been the sub on that route for almost 5 years and it was kind of sad driving around and seeing my regular customers. Who would have thought you could get sentimental about a mail route? Now I finish out my last week of working on Route 4 and God willing on this next Saturday the 7th, I start my own route, ROUTE 8. I am excited, but also scared. It will be a big change for us, but I think most of the changes will be good ones.
Well, time to go and eat supper. It was a very long day today.
God bless.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The "Between" time

From Will

Well we have made it through Christmas and have entered what I call the "between" time. That time between Christmas and the New Year. I try to save up my vacation time so that I have enough to cover my work days "between". I don't go on vacation or anything but mostly stay at home with the kids who of course are off from school.
It gives me a little time to connect with my kids and to vegetate away from work. Gives my body a little time to heal too. Of course I'm not really doing my body any good at the moment but I will get to that later. Anyway, today for me is the beginning of "Between Time".

The Christmas Eve Party came off without a hitch. Which really surprises me. Deanna and I have been so busy for the last three months that everything has been way, way, way behind schedule. For example,usually I make a big deal out of putting lights on the house and property but I couldn't find the time.

Usually I start putting lights up right after Halloween! Now yes, I know that's pretty early and pretty funny too but it also makes sense. Any idea how much fun it is to lay on a snow covered roof trying hang lights while hanging over the edge? Lets just say it can take some of the "Joy" right out of the season. Though on the other hand, your prayer life really spikes up! Anyway I try to set aside time to do that before the snow hits hard. I just never got around to it.

So the Friday before Christmas with some help from our friend Amanda I was able to put some lights around the courtyard fences and put one of those silly moving deers up in the front yard and that was it. It was way too slippery to try for the roof. And of course I didn't have enough time.

It has pretty much been that way for Dea too. The biggest part of our annual Christmas Eve party "burden" is on her. I am pretty much just muscle and lately I don't have a lot of that. Thank you Lord for the Gift of Amanda and Her Mom Peggy!

Those two have really made a difference in our lives. They are just now starting to get settled in their new place where they can be close to us for a change. They've been spending hours upon hours driving back and forth from Wisconsin Rapids to spend time with us and the Church. Now they won't have to. It has been marvelous!

With My "little sister" Peggy and my " buddy" Amanda we have been able to do what normally takes weeks in just a couple of days. The load they took off my wife's shoulders is enough to bring tears to my eyes. Add in the amount of work taken from my shoulders and I think I have to go find a tissue!

So Christmas eve gets here and we have prepared food and place for 50+ people. We had like 47 last year so we wanted to be prepared. I think maybe 27 showed up. OOPS!

Oh it's perfectly ok with us. This party has always really been about making sure that everyone has someone to be with on Christmas. For some people I think our party is the only Christmas they see. So this really isn't about us but about the people that show up. We were sad for those few who couldn't make it because they were ill. It really "inhales" to be sick on Christmas! Those that had to be somewhere else we understand and of course no hard feelings. Now about all this food.......
Deanna's Goal in life I think is to feed the world - personally. Perhaps I should say "Cook" for the world. I have so much food around this place it is staggering! Of course, if I am going to have a "Problem" with food this is the problem I want to have: too much!

We had to put some out in the entry way and opened the window to the cold. We have food in the wood shed up where I hope no "critters" can get to it. Then there is the refridgerator. Nothing falls out when you open it...If you're careful. You can only v e r y c a r e f u l l y take out what is in the front row. If you try to touch something that isn't hanging off the front edge you're liable to start an avalanche! Oh it's fun!

This brings us back to the part about not doing my body any good at the moment. Hate to see all that food go to waste! We made bunches of Christmas baskets but we still have plenty left over.
Christmas morning was a wonderful Blessing from the Lord. The kids actually let mom and dad sleep in! Of course for us that means 6am. We went out into the sun porch where the tree is and started opening presents. It was really, really nice. What can be better than seeing the faces on the ones you love opening gifts? That does more for me than parties or gifts for myself. Of course I'm not giving back my new "19.2 volt cordless drill", but seeing both my Children with new guitars for Christmas was definitely the highlight. They have both been wanting one so badly. My parents pitched in for half and gave me the gift of seeing my kids have them. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Poor Deanna, She doesn't understand that husbands are supposed to buy special presents for their wives on Christmas and for anniversaries and if anyone ever explains it to her I might punch them in the nose!
It took me a while to figure this out until the one year I got her this electric griddle that she'd been asking for. She actually Cried tears of Joy! If I buy her jewelry I get "Oh, how nice!", but if I buy her an appliance she hugs my neck and cries! Go figure! At first I thought maybe she was upset but no, she really was that happy!. Well, shoot! I can buy appliances all day long!
Well, there was one exception last year where I was able to buy her something mushy that made her cry; it was Bible just like the one I bought her when we first got married 15 years ago. Her old one was shot. I was able to say the right things on the inside cover to make her weep. Mission accomplished! That sounds really weird to my ears too but yeah making her cry with love and joy, that has become my mission in life.

This year however, no tears (sigh). I was forced to rely on the old faithful and get her what I knew she needed. First as per tradition for Christmas eve she received a cookie sheet - I get her a good one every year. (I get hankerchiefs)
Then Christmas morning it was a new drinking glass set and a french white corningware set. She was pretty excited. (See what I mean? Most of the women I've known would be throwing the cookware at my head! Not her though, she loves it! Yeah, I'm gonna hang on to her...) Even when I mentioned that from now on we have to get rid of something for every new thing we get for the kitchen she didn't blink an eye but said "O.K.". Oh how I Love That Woman!

Turns out that it was a good thing I said that. Her sister Dana bought us a whole new diningware set! For 16!!! The style suits us to a "T" too! Sturdy with rustic colorings but still very lovely! I am completely staggered by the gift!. Of course that means that we have to remove that many pieces from the kitchen. Dea's mom and dad have kind of adopted a Veteran who is in need of kitchen ware. Correction, he was in need; he won't be when we're through with him!

Of course Christmas morning was Sunday and my Usual Sunday off from work so that meant my turn to speak. The Lord was exceptionally kind to me and allowed me just enough quiet time Friday to write it. I don't usually get them done so far in advance or written so quickly. Usually I have to wrestle with it to make sure that it's what God wants and not what "Will" wants ya know? So it was a nice surprise and blessing for me. I will see about adding my notes from that sermon to our other site "The Bible in Context 101". Look for it.

The Holy Spirit reigned all that day for us. The Church service Christmas eve and then Christmas morning were wonderful blessings. Truly a time where you left feeling "full" of His Spirit and His presence. The rest of the day was very "Sabbath like" spent at Deanna's folks place. What a wonderful time and yet very relaxing and peaceful. A day of Rest.

Monday was considered a holiday by the post office so Dea was able to stay home with us. Amanda and Peggy came by and it was great family day. We spent time with the guitars and with video games and even ended the day playing Jacobs new "Lord of the Rings" monopoly game. They added a new twist to the rules with the "one ring" that also helps to keep the game from going too long. It was fun! Jacob won with Deanna a close 2nd. Jessa and I came in fourth and third respectively but we decided we were really the winners anyway "so there! Nyaaa!" Then we giggled some more and put things away for the night.

If there was anything that went even slightly wrong it was that Sunday night or Monday morning early, my furnace quit. I am so thankful that it didn't happen on Christmas eve! It still isn't working but the walls on this house are 12 to 16 inches thick so with the fire place going and a couple of space heaters we are doing just fine.
I hope to replace that old jalopy of a furnace this year if the Lord is willing but for now I just ordered a part and we will wait patiently for it. Another praise for the Lord: The temperatures have been around 40 for the last couple of days and should stay that way for the week. God is SO Good!
Well, that should bring you up to date. I hope I didn't bore you too much! I will try to post some pictures this week. If I can find the camera....hmmmm. Merry Christmas and May the Lord bless Your New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Here we go again

From Will:

I worked my usual 12 hour day yesterday, clocked out at work and rushed over to the Veterans Administration Hospital. The third Wednesday of every month the band I play in, volunteers to play for the patients there. It had been a stressful day but productive at least and I was nervous about playing because I knew we would be playing songs we hadn't practiced or I just didn't have the music for and would have to "wing it". Just a little more stress. I didn't mind though. When you go to work you expect some stress. When I have to play publicly without a lot of practice there is going to be some stress too, but playing for the Vets always has it's own reward. So you just pile it up and smile your best, because it's all about them you know?
It went pretty well all things considered and I am confident they enjoyed it, which is the whole point after all. I helped load up all of the equipment, drove it to where we keep it, helped unload it and finally headed home. Pretty much a normal "Third Wednesday" where I wake up at 3:45 am, leave for work at 5am, get home at 9:30pm. Last night was different though. As I walked through the door, my head was swimming with all the goings on for the day and the "to do" lists that have to be completed before Christmas eve. My kind wonderful wife waited until I set all my gear down and was comfortable in my chair before giving me the news. I do pray an extra measure of blessings for her and anyone who has to hold onto difficult news. When you love someone and know the news you have to give them will be painful it hurts you too. There is a certain amount of stress that is added to your life especially when you have to hold all that inside, knowing this will be unpleasant for an extended period of time. I know this must have happened to alot of people yesterday. Here we go again
Another close family member has died. Bill Hamilton. Uncle Bill to me. Though of no blood relation he was more of an "uncle" to me than my real ones. This is no fault to my Uncles, but I have never lived close to any of them, but when I was living in Homestead Florida, Bill was just a couple of houses down the block. I would say that gives him an advantage wouldn't you? It was kind of special as a kid to look at the friendships between Bill, his wife Nancy and my Mom and Dad. I can't help but think back to all the fun and trouble we used to get into with David and Joe their sons. There are alot of good memories.
I was thinking of all those times last night and this morning. I was wondering if Bill knew how special it was when one day He decide to move this little car he had from the drive way to the side yard. I don't remember why or for sure even what the car was. I think it was a Datsun but I don't remember. I was only in the fifth or sixth grade mind you and he asked me to move it! I had steered a car sitting on my dads lap but he wanted me to actually get in and "drive" it to the side yard and it was a Standard! He simply got in the passenger seat and calmly and very clearly explained what I needed to do and it worked! I remember how proud I was to have used a clutch. I remember bragging to my older brothers and to David and Joe who all made it out as if it was no big thing (which is what boys their age do) but they couldn't diminish the accomplishment to me. You can imagine the smile it brought me to read Rachel Haucks page this morning when she wrote about Bill teaching her to drive a standard. I never knew that, but yeah it fits. I could write pages and pages and never do him justice. The things Bill has done in his life would truly make a wonderful novel, the kind you can't believe is true but really is. I am proud to have known him and I look forward to seeing him again. To David, Joe, and Nancy I miss you all very much and you know you are in my prayers. Cling to Jesus and Cling to Hope Eternal. I have to go to work now or otherwise this page would be much much longer in honor of a friend gone to Jesus. This makes the 5th one this year I think. I'm losing count, but as long as I know I will see them in heaven it makes my time here without them turn to hope for the future. May the Lord Bless You and Keep You and Make His Countenance to shine upon you and give you peace. Amen. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas..

Well here we are in the holiday season and I am knee deep in mail. I feel like an overworked Santa Claus. I love the feeling of bringing Daddy's package from Iraq to our military families. I love bringing Santa stuff from Grandparents BUT there has to be a limit somewhere. Oh I know that it is job security and believe me I'm all for that. I am just worn out right now. This last week on the routes that I am on, I have delivered at least 67 parcels a day. Most days I have had to get out of the vehicle at least 50 times. I have had to even make second trips for parcels. It would not be so bad, but we are expected to stay on time. Triple the work, but still the same amount of time to do it in. I just keep telling myself over and 3 weeks you will be done with your route by 3 weeks you will be done with your route by noon.
As you can tell my new route starts on January 7th and boy I am soooooo happy about that. I will work from about 8:00 am until 11:00-11:30 or so, 6 days a week. Instead of working 7:00 am until 6:00 pm any day of the week depending on when they need me (many weeks 5 or 6 days that week). I will be in charge of my own mail, my own case, my own schedule and my own mistakes. You know how it is "it's easy to blame the sub for something". I think that the best thing is that I will be in town and not out on the ridge or in the hills during snow and ice.

ON THE HOMEFRONT (now that I am done whining, sorry about that) we are baking cookies galore around here. Jessalyn could not have her birthday party in September due to Cranfest, so she decided that she wanted a "cookie decorating party". Well, we had it this last Wednesday during a snow storm when they got out of school early. Eleven 9 year olds and one 5 year old. All decorating cookies and acting like 9 year olds. They had a good time, I guess. I lived through it, I'm pretty sure that I bit off more than I could chew on that one. Thank you God for your grace.
Thursday was Jacob's 13th birthday. He was sooo excited. He bounced around for hours. We were going to have his birthday dinner next week when I did not have to work, but I was still making tortellini on this last Thursday for him (it's his favorite). Mom and Dad showed up with a cake just for the fun of it and we ended up having a thrown together meal for him. I did not plan it, it just happened, but he still had a great time. Not everyone that we like to have for our birthday dinners was even there. Now I can't have the actual birthday dinner this next Tuesday because I have an emergency Cranfest meeting. I called my Aunt to maybe do pizza on Sunday, but I think that she and I will probably both be too exhausted. We will have to come up with plan B on that one.
We are baking cookies and breads for our Christmas gift baskets and it is not going as well as I had hoped. They keep calling me in to work. Tonight is Will's Christmas party. I am working today and then meeting him here tonight to go to that. The kids are spending the night at my parent's house. Then church tomorrow. I am going to get up early in the morning (hopefully) and make 120 cinnamon rolls for the people at Will's work and 2 dozen for my co-workers. Then church and another birthday party for Jessalyn to go to. Jacob and I are going to have some time together and make some more cookies while she is at the party.
This week is final clean up on the house getting ready for Christmas Eve, wrapping up all of the presents that have stuffed into odd places and hidden all over the house, delivering gift baskets, mailing presents out, paying bills and then it will be here! Our house will hopefully be full to overflowing with people eating, laughing and sharing Christmas Eve after a candle light service at the church. I am so thankful to be able to do this another year. We think that this is the 20th year, but we could be off a little. I just love to cook for everyone. I wait all year to see the smiles, happy faces and feel the presence of God flow through the house on that night. It is such a blessing. You cannot really understand it unless you are here. It is magic.
Well, time to go back to work.......
Have a blessed day.
Please, please, please take time to enjoy the season with your family and friends. My family has lost 2 of my cousins in the last 2 weeks. You just never know who will be next. Enjoy them while you have them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Seven Sevens "Tagged!"

I was recently "tagged" by Rachel Hauck to answer these "Seven Sevens". At the end you will find the question "...who you would like to join in the fun". The answer I have given is the list of people I have "tagged" to play. My wife is one of those and her "Seven Sevens" is beneath mine. Under the same question of people to join in the fun she chose the first seven people she would want to sit down and talk about these "Seven Sevens". That is certainly not the complete list...You would need pages and pages to fill that list....

Seven Sevens:

Seven things to do before I die:

Fulfill the prophecies that God promised for me (and no, I’m not going to tell you what they are ha!)

To become the worlds greatest husband

To become the worlds greatest Father

To become virtually debt free (virtually means I don’t mind owing some on my house because there are tax advantages. I just don’t want any other kind of debt if I can help it.)

To be content living on 70% of my “net” income (the Key word here is “content” which would be a lot easier to do if I can manage to become virtually debt free)

Write a book. I don’t care if it’s published I just want to know I wrote at least one.

To watch The Green Bay Packers Play in Lambeau Field, in December, while it’s snowing. Wait- I did that last year! Thank you again Dave Oakes!

Seven things I cannot do:

I cannot stop loving or learning about my Lord God

I cannot stop loving my wife and kids more every day

I cannot stop trying to give my family all that it wants whether they need it or not, (but I’m working on it!)

I cannot stop being amazed at how much our Great, All Powerful God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, takes an active role in my puny little life. The fact that He loves me and is there for me when I call; that He intervenes and looks after me; that He takes an active role in my life is completely staggering to me.

I cannot control my foot. I keep putting it in my mouth.

I cannot Save a Soul. Only Jesus can do that. I cannot even “convince” someone of Jesus’ saving grace only the Holy Spirit can do that. I can only be ready and willing to speak the Truth and share the Love the Lord has given me.

I cannot stop making big issues out of little ones

Seven things that attract me to my (Spouse, significant other, best friend etc)

The way she (Deanna) “Honors” me. Sara called Abraham “lord”; Dea calls me “Boss” as a pet name! If we’re at a buffet or potluck she will bring me a plate without my ever asking, even when her friends tease her about it she still serves me. When we’re at home and we both have worked that day still she serves me. These are a just few small examples of the many ways she “honors” me but Lord willing, I will never take that for granted; I am amazed every time she does it.

Her singing, piano playing, and her natural musical talent. It still “wows” me every time.

Her silhouette (curves!)

How tickled she gets over the littlest things, like the way I hold her hand when we’re walking in public.

She’s smarter than me but listens to my nonsense anyway.

The way she wants to take care of everyone especially the “old people” (said with much affection)

How long and hard she will work just to bring a few smiles. Whether its for a church function or the Warrens Cranberry Festival or even her own kids birthday parties she always does her best to make it the best for everyone and she really is thinking about their good time and not how impressed people will be with her for doing it.

Seven things I say most often

”I love you”

“I’m sorry”

“Lord willing…”

“Sassin’ Frassin’ Stinkin’ son of a bagel eatin’ breakfast breakin’ bread butterin’

Barnacles’ belly-button lint!”

(I had to make something up that would satisfy my frustration without resorting to cursing. It works!)

“Where’s the remote!”

“Actually…” After that there will usually be some kind of statement explaining why whatever was said before it (by someone else) may be incorrect but not necessarily. My kids do it all the time too and it really irritates me….hmmm

“Awwwwwweh!” This is actually (that word again!) a three-syllable sound used to articulate my displeasure in the form of a whine. For example if my wife were to tell me her third cousins best friends baby sitter is getting married and We have to attend, my intellectual response to this would be “Awwwwwweh!”. Understand? If this isn’t considered a word you may use “FINE!!” in it’s place. I use it the same only when I want to be much more adamant in my whine…

Seven books I love

The Bible

“Knowing God” by J.I. Packer

“The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” All five books in the trilogy by Douglas Adams (the books remember, not the movie!)

The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (though admittedly, the first three were really good after that they kind of started down hill, but I’m stuck now and have had no choice but to read all 11 whether I like them or not…”awwwwweh”)

Curious George! Granted not so much today but the memories I have as a kid!)

Any “Calvin and Hobbes” book! For that matter, you can put Garfield in that list as well, and Dilbert too!

Any local used or classic car sales guide.

Seven movies I would watch over and over again

Space Balls!

Independence day

Men in Black

Pick a Star Wars Movie (noticed a theme yet?)

Pick a James Bond Movie

Private Eyes (Tim Conway and Don Knotts)

Lake Placid with Bridgett Fonda and Bill Pullman

Seven people I would want to join in the fun:

Deanna Donaldson

Joel Hayes

Pete Hayes

Danny Hayes (hmmm another trend?)

John Domanski and Carolyn too!!

Betty Donaldson (you can use my site mom!)

Seven Sevens

Seven Sevens from Deanna:

Seven things to do before I die:

  1. LIVE
  2. find my family tree (and Will’s)
  3. RV trip to Alaska and back (with lots of detours)
  4. See the California redwoods
  5. become debt free
  6. Visit the area where Will’s parents grew up with them along to show us.
  7. Finish my books(all three of them)

Seven things I cannot do

  1. swim underwater without holding my nose
  2. keep a spotlessly clean house
  3. say no when someone needs something done
  4. cut up a deer
  5. force someone to accept the Lord, no matter what I think they should do
  6. stop loving my family
  7. stop collecting recipes

    Seven things that attract me to my (Spouse, significant other, best friend etc)
  1. his personality
  2. his voice
  3. his morals
  4. his butt (it’s cute)
  5. his hair
  6. his love for God
  7. my cat liked him

Seven things I say most often

  1. for cryin’ out loud
  2. do it right the first time and you won’t have to do it again
  5. Have you ever been the Warrens Cranberry Festival?
  6. Hi! I’m Deanna. What’s your name?
  7. Hey Bossman! Would you do this for me?

    Seven books I love
  1. The Bible
  2. The Mitford Series-by Jan Karon
  3. The Hiding Place-by Corrie Ten Boom
  4. Irresistible-by Catherine Hart
  5. Freedom series-by Anne McCaffrey
  6. Castles-by Julie Garwood
  7. The Arrows of the Queen Series-by Mercedes Lackey

Seven movies I would watch over and over again

  1. The Lord of the Rings
  2. The Twin Towers
  3. The Return of the King
  4. Hello Dolly (Barbra Striesand)
  5. The Three Musketeers(The old one with Michael York)
  6. Ladyhawke
  7. The Mummy/The Mummy Returns series

There are too many to name in this one as well as the books. I reread and rewatch lots of stuff. You see so much that you missed each time through.

Seven people I would want to join in the fun:

1. Will

2. Peggy

3. Amanda

4. Jenna

5. Vicki

6. Carrie

7. Dale

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yesterday was a GREAT day!

Will and I had a wonderful day yesterday! I just had to share it with least a little of it. We got the kids off to school yesterday bright and early and then went out to check out our Christmas tree that I had brought home. It is absolutely perfect for the size of the room! I am so tickled with it.
Oh yeah, right after the kids got on the bus, I ran my car down to our mechanic's shop. It had been wailing it's misery at me for a week or two. Will looked it over and could not see anything and I was just praying that it would not be anything major. You would have thought with all of the noise it made that it would be falling into pieces in the middle of the road. I was really praying hard because who wants a huge car repair bill right before Christmas? Well, come to find out that during all of the road construction that I have been dealing with this year a rock must have flown up and bent the cover on the CV boot and it was rubbing. They fixed it quick and changed the light bulb in the headlight that had gone out during one of my trips into the ditch. The bill wasn't bad, less than $75 for everything. It would not even have been that bad but it took a little while to get to the boot because they could not find a tool small enough to fit in the space so they had to take off the wheel. Anyway, the end of the story is I'm now driving a car that is not screaming in anguish every time the wheel spins.
After our Christmas tree discussion we went into Cranfest and helped to put together 2 grapevine deer that are lighted for our winter scene in Warrens. We wired and zip-tied and wired some more. Hopefully, they will not fall apart if we have a blizzard or some such nonsense. We then set up the scene and left Gale and Lloyd to finish as we went to pick up my car and head for LaCrosse. I had mailed in my tag renewal card and check and it never reached them or else it was lost in the shuffle. Of course that meant a 1 hour trip to pay in person and a late fee. Well, we got there and the lady waived the late fee and we only had to be there waiting less than 10 minutes start to finish.
We then snuck in a lunch out at Olive Garden. Will and I hardly ever get a chance to be by ourselves and eat lunch and just sit and talk. It was so great! We enjoyed ourselves so much. We came home and stopped at Walmart to pick up the 200' of lights that he has to put up today on the Cranfest building and then it was home to get supper for the kids and Will fit in a nap. Then it was church at 7 for Bible study and youth group. Home and everyone in bed at 9:00.
It was a great day!
The best thing of all was I spent the day with my hubby. He really is my best friend and the best company I can think of. If we ever get the chance to retire, I don't think that we will have a problem being bored. There is too much to see and enjoy. The 16th anniversary of our first date is coming up and I can honestly say that I love him more today than I did then. I can also say that he has grown into one of the finest men that I have ever known in my life. I sure picked a keeper!