Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Seven Sevens "Tagged!"

I was recently "tagged" by Rachel Hauck to answer these "Seven Sevens". At the end you will find the question "...who you would like to join in the fun". The answer I have given is the list of people I have "tagged" to play. My wife is one of those and her "Seven Sevens" is beneath mine. Under the same question of people to join in the fun she chose the first seven people she would want to sit down and talk about these "Seven Sevens". That is certainly not the complete list...You would need pages and pages to fill that list....

Seven Sevens:

Seven things to do before I die:

Fulfill the prophecies that God promised for me (and no, I’m not going to tell you what they are ha!)

To become the worlds greatest husband

To become the worlds greatest Father

To become virtually debt free (virtually means I don’t mind owing some on my house because there are tax advantages. I just don’t want any other kind of debt if I can help it.)

To be content living on 70% of my “net” income (the Key word here is “content” which would be a lot easier to do if I can manage to become virtually debt free)

Write a book. I don’t care if it’s published I just want to know I wrote at least one.

To watch The Green Bay Packers Play in Lambeau Field, in December, while it’s snowing. Wait- I did that last year! Thank you again Dave Oakes!

Seven things I cannot do:

I cannot stop loving or learning about my Lord God

I cannot stop loving my wife and kids more every day

I cannot stop trying to give my family all that it wants whether they need it or not, (but I’m working on it!)

I cannot stop being amazed at how much our Great, All Powerful God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, takes an active role in my puny little life. The fact that He loves me and is there for me when I call; that He intervenes and looks after me; that He takes an active role in my life is completely staggering to me.

I cannot control my foot. I keep putting it in my mouth.

I cannot Save a Soul. Only Jesus can do that. I cannot even “convince” someone of Jesus’ saving grace only the Holy Spirit can do that. I can only be ready and willing to speak the Truth and share the Love the Lord has given me.

I cannot stop making big issues out of little ones

Seven things that attract me to my (Spouse, significant other, best friend etc)

The way she (Deanna) “Honors” me. Sara called Abraham “lord”; Dea calls me “Boss” as a pet name! If we’re at a buffet or potluck she will bring me a plate without my ever asking, even when her friends tease her about it she still serves me. When we’re at home and we both have worked that day still she serves me. These are a just few small examples of the many ways she “honors” me but Lord willing, I will never take that for granted; I am amazed every time she does it.

Her singing, piano playing, and her natural musical talent. It still “wows” me every time.

Her silhouette (curves!)

How tickled she gets over the littlest things, like the way I hold her hand when we’re walking in public.

She’s smarter than me but listens to my nonsense anyway.

The way she wants to take care of everyone especially the “old people” (said with much affection)

How long and hard she will work just to bring a few smiles. Whether its for a church function or the Warrens Cranberry Festival or even her own kids birthday parties she always does her best to make it the best for everyone and she really is thinking about their good time and not how impressed people will be with her for doing it.

Seven things I say most often

”I love you”

“I’m sorry”

“Lord willing…”

“Sassin’ Frassin’ Stinkin’ son of a bagel eatin’ breakfast breakin’ bread butterin’

Barnacles’ belly-button lint!”

(I had to make something up that would satisfy my frustration without resorting to cursing. It works!)

“Where’s the remote!”

“Actually…” After that there will usually be some kind of statement explaining why whatever was said before it (by someone else) may be incorrect but not necessarily. My kids do it all the time too and it really irritates me….hmmm

“Awwwwwweh!” This is actually (that word again!) a three-syllable sound used to articulate my displeasure in the form of a whine. For example if my wife were to tell me her third cousins best friends baby sitter is getting married and We have to attend, my intellectual response to this would be “Awwwwwweh!”. Understand? If this isn’t considered a word you may use “FINE!!” in it’s place. I use it the same only when I want to be much more adamant in my whine…

Seven books I love

The Bible

“Knowing God” by J.I. Packer

“The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” All five books in the trilogy by Douglas Adams (the books remember, not the movie!)

The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan (though admittedly, the first three were really good after that they kind of started down hill, but I’m stuck now and have had no choice but to read all 11 whether I like them or not…”awwwwweh”)

Curious George! Granted not so much today but the memories I have as a kid!)

Any “Calvin and Hobbes” book! For that matter, you can put Garfield in that list as well, and Dilbert too!

Any local used or classic car sales guide.

Seven movies I would watch over and over again

Space Balls!

Independence day

Men in Black

Pick a Star Wars Movie (noticed a theme yet?)

Pick a James Bond Movie

Private Eyes (Tim Conway and Don Knotts)

Lake Placid with Bridgett Fonda and Bill Pullman

Seven people I would want to join in the fun:

Deanna Donaldson

Joel Hayes

Pete Hayes

Danny Hayes (hmmm another trend?)

John Domanski and Carolyn too!!

Betty Donaldson (you can use my site mom!)

1 comment:

Rachel Hauck said...

Very coo, you guys! Loved reading it!
