Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Pole Shed!

Well, I don't think a spring is allowed to go by with out us starting some kind of new construction and this one is no different. I had been planning on building a small very very basic pole shed with irregular poles with a tin roof and sides or maybe even the corrugated plastic for the sides!
I was thinking very very simple and basic.
I just wanted a place to store (hide) Daves mini motor home, Jacob's 78 Dodge pickup (needs alot of work), and Jacobs 39 Dodge sedan (also needs alot of work).

I think Dave (Deanna's Dad) might have been afraid that the pole shed I was planning would cave in on top of it all but he's too nice to say so.

Anyway, he decided that he needed even more storage space (moving from a farm to a house in town brings special challenges) so he offered to provide building material and professional construction help (by way of Seth Frost) if I would grant him the space. Of course he wasn't finished asking before I was saying "Sure!!! Yeah! You Bet! Whatever you want!" My momma didn't raise no fool named Will! (my two brothers are going to love that line!)
Needless to say the pole shed that we are constructing now is much much grander (sturdier) than what I had planned. It's going to look a whole lot nicer too!

It will have three "bays" for the three vehicles I mentioned and a fourth bay that will be enclosed as a storage area for the materials Dave currently doesn't have room for in town.
It will be built to match to our house with rough sawn vertical siding but with a tin roof instead of shingles. At the moment it will only have the dirt floor but perhaps later we will add gravel or cement. We will have to wait and see what the Lord and our Finances will allow.
I took pictures and posted them below. There a also a couple of pictures of Seth Frost and his Uncle Tim Frost. The pictures were took at sunset and in a hurry so I'm sorry they aren't very clear or good.
Numbers 6:24!

1 comment:

Joel Hayes said...

Not bad Will not to bad! Jake needs to convince His old man to put concrete down so he can get started on the Classics. Great choice with dodge! Can't wait to see some Pics and some progress on the cars after the shed is done!!