Wednesday, October 25, 2006

shooting stars

I took the dog out for his in the middle of the night rondevous on Monday night and while I was standing there I saw 6 shooting stars. Then I saw another one when I let him out at 4:30 am. I probably would have seen more if I had wanted to stay out there, but it was 22 degrees out and I am still not used to the colder weather. Especially when I have just left a warm blanket to go outside. When I was up with him last night at 1:00 am, I saw 2 more. I must be seeing them because of the clear, cold nights. You really can see the stars at night when it's this clear up here.
Last night was also Jacob's fall choir concert. They really do a good job and we enjoy it each and every time. He is so attentive to the director and knows all of the words and timing. It is fun just watching him. He puts so much effort into it. We are very proud of him.
I'm still trying to get Halloween costumes done. Jacob decided last night to be "Captain Jack Sparrow". Jessalyn is still going to be the snow queen. I just need to get my act together and get them ready. They have a huge Warrens kids Halloween Party on Sunday, put on by the local 4-H club. Bunches of kids and they all enjoy themselves.
The redwinged blackbirds have left and Canadian geese are leaving now. I guess that winter is on it's way. Christmas is 2 months from today. The mail is starting to pick up already. Two weeks from now, we will really be getting lots of mail due to the holidays. I don't mind though, I enjoy delivering all of the smiles. It's like being Santa Claus.
Time to get Jake up for school.
Have a blessed day!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Genealogy anyone?

Have you ever done genealogy before? I have been involved with this puzzle for a couple of years and have pretty much confined myself to one portion of the family. Working on too many sides of the family tree can get you very confused with the "who begat who's". Well I have been working on the Oakes part (my Dad's side) and when I inquired in Canada (where suprisingly my Mom's family comes from the same county), I ended up meeting a cousin who had the whole family tree on my Mom's (Edmonds) side. What a great thing! It really boggles the mind on how much time that saved me and who would have ever thought it would happen? Now another friend of the family has found my Great Aunt's stash of Edmonds family pictures and documents from years and years ago. Boy am I excited! The best thing is that I didn't have to really work on that research at all, but here it is. Thank you God!
Our dog Sam turned a year old the other day. We sang to him and he danced. Someone forgot to tell him that he can act grown up now. He is so silly.
Things are pretty busy here lately. Jacob's first concert is tomorrow night, so he gets a hair cut before that. He is quite proud of himself because he has less than an inch to grow before he is as tall as his Mother. Twerp!
We are trying to get ready for winter, but every day that Will has off it rains and that is not conducive to getting things done. Today we are taking pictures of cranberry harvesting and processing. I need some good shots for Cranfest. Of course, it is snowing, but at least that is not rain.
Trying to get costumes done for Halloween. The kids enjoy it, but Jacob is having a hard time figuring out what to be. Jessalyn is going to be a snow queen. Last year she was a fairy and she about froze so this year she wants a fur trimmed outfit that she can be warm in. Smart girl.
Well time to go to work.
Have a blessed day.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I just wanted to add my two cents worth to what Deanna has to say below. Just a week or two ago we had unusually warm weather and now winter is trying to get here all at once. Including the way the sun rises and sets. I was sure the sun was up when I left for work one morning and the very next morning it was dark. The same for my trip home from work. It was light on the way home one day and dark on the next. Great. Back to the winter routine of driving to work in the dark and coming home in the dark. You know, I find it rather ironic that I work in a "window factory" that has so very few windows in it. I had no idea we had as much snow as we did until I read what Deanna wrote below. I completely missed the whole thing. Sigh. I do remember thinking on both my way into work and on my way home: This is the kind of day that makes me glad I don't work outside. Poor Deanna does. Of course those bright sun shiney days like we had the last week or two she was glad she wasn't working inside like me so I guess it evens out. Either way we have a choice: we can be bitter about the bad days or we can be thankful for the blessed days. Thank You Lord.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

snow today and snow tomorrow....

Well the weather outside is frightful, but the fire inside is delightful! We started the morning out with 50 degrees and rain, by 10:00 am it was 37 and now its in the low 30's. It is also snowing. Thank God the ground is still warm so we don't have any accumulation. I am just not ready for snow on the ground in the beginning of October.
I came home frozen from work. The wind is over 30 mph and it goes right through you when you are not used to it. This won't be so bad during January but when it was over 70 two days ago, it shocks your system.
The kids are drinking hot cocoa and I'm making potato, cheese & ham soup. We actually had to turn the furnace on too. I guess winter is coming. I really do love my fireplace though. There is something quite "comfy" about sitting in front of the fire reading. Not that I have time to do that yet.
Well, just thought I would check in and let you know that we are warm, dry and cozy...even though that "white stuff" is coming down.
God bless.

Monday, October 09, 2006

I finished my April of "2004" to-do list!

Some of you may laugh, but for me this is a big thing. I make lists. Lists of everything that I need to accomplish each day. Lists of things to do for this certain event. Lists for this month. Lists for this meal. You get the picture. Well, I happened to find a list from April of 2004. I was really happy to see that I had almost all of it finished two years later, so I quick did the last thing and now I can say that I accomplished my goal. Unfortunately, there are many, many lists in between that are not finished yet, but I can dream can't I?
Yesterday the high for the day was 70 and by Wednesday we are supposedly going to have snow showers all day. I guess this is God's way of reminding us that winter is coming. Our normal reminder of cranberry harvest is sort of here too. So many of the marshes were hit by that terrible hail and had to harvest early so there is not such a rush right now. I think a couple of them start next week though. I love looking at the dump trucks full of cranberries driving down the road.
We had family night here on Saturday. We had a campfire and everyone sat around it talking, eating and singing. It was a great time. We enjoy just being with each other. Everyone is invited and you never know who will show up.
Mom and Dad are planning on going to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. That means that Thanksgiving here will be at our house. You never know who will show up for that one either. I really have a problem knowing that anyone is alone during the holidays. Now that Christmas is coming soon, that means more lists for me too.......see it's a vicious just keeps going on and on.
I was sitting here at the desk with my very large black lab puppy sitting on my feet (not an easy task) contemplating God's design for a while this morning. Our exteneded family suffered some deaths in the last couple of weeks, one of Mom's best friends, our Aunt in Northern Wisconsin and some other people that were close to our family....sad times, but they all knew the Lord so we will see them again. At the same time they were leaving this world, our good friends Seth and Claire were starting their new lives together by getting married in Australia, where she is from. Another couple who are friends of mine are set to have their baby soon. Our friend Peggy had her grandson here too. Charlie will be two in a month or so. Right now he is in that helpful stage. He will sweep for hours and will help you pick up what he calls "Barbage". He really enjoyed having our huge yard and puppy to play with. Not to mention the swing set. He went down the slide for the first time by himself. Great fun to watch him.
With all of the changes that have come about in the last couple of weeks, my mind is spinning BUT it also helps me to realize that petty differences with people are just plain silly. In the last months we have been involved in some strange situations with people we love. These past few weeks have made me realize that life is too, too short and it really does not matter who is right and who is wrong. It really does not matter who threw the first insult or caused the first hurt feeling. The point of the whole thing, when you get right down to it is others.......The TRUTH about it all is that if we were more worried about the other person and not about our own feelings and not whether we were the one that was "right" or the one that is the hurt party in all of this we would not have these situations come up. If we spend our lives trying to make sure that others come first then things will be alot easier. God said it right in his God, love others......there is no love yourself in that pecking order. I am going to try to remember that. I'm not saying it will be easy, but I am going to try. Don't even get me started on telling the "truth in love". I will just say that unless someone asks for the truth from me....I'm going to try to keep my yap shut. My truth may not be what they see as truth and it usually just comes out as criticism not "love". I am trying to learn from past situations, some not even involving myself. Hey I can learn from someone else's mistakes can't I?
Well, Columbus Day is a day off for the Post Office, but not a day off for me. I'm going to go and work on some more "lists". The scary thing is that Will has a list of things to accomplish today too. Oh boy, I bet that means more work for me...yippee!
Have a great day!