Monday, October 23, 2006

Genealogy anyone?

Have you ever done genealogy before? I have been involved with this puzzle for a couple of years and have pretty much confined myself to one portion of the family. Working on too many sides of the family tree can get you very confused with the "who begat who's". Well I have been working on the Oakes part (my Dad's side) and when I inquired in Canada (where suprisingly my Mom's family comes from the same county), I ended up meeting a cousin who had the whole family tree on my Mom's (Edmonds) side. What a great thing! It really boggles the mind on how much time that saved me and who would have ever thought it would happen? Now another friend of the family has found my Great Aunt's stash of Edmonds family pictures and documents from years and years ago. Boy am I excited! The best thing is that I didn't have to really work on that research at all, but here it is. Thank you God!
Our dog Sam turned a year old the other day. We sang to him and he danced. Someone forgot to tell him that he can act grown up now. He is so silly.
Things are pretty busy here lately. Jacob's first concert is tomorrow night, so he gets a hair cut before that. He is quite proud of himself because he has less than an inch to grow before he is as tall as his Mother. Twerp!
We are trying to get ready for winter, but every day that Will has off it rains and that is not conducive to getting things done. Today we are taking pictures of cranberry harvesting and processing. I need some good shots for Cranfest. Of course, it is snowing, but at least that is not rain.
Trying to get costumes done for Halloween. The kids enjoy it, but Jacob is having a hard time figuring out what to be. Jessalyn is going to be a snow queen. Last year she was a fairy and she about froze so this year she wants a fur trimmed outfit that she can be warm in. Smart girl.
Well time to go to work.
Have a blessed day.

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