Wednesday, October 25, 2006

shooting stars

I took the dog out for his in the middle of the night rondevous on Monday night and while I was standing there I saw 6 shooting stars. Then I saw another one when I let him out at 4:30 am. I probably would have seen more if I had wanted to stay out there, but it was 22 degrees out and I am still not used to the colder weather. Especially when I have just left a warm blanket to go outside. When I was up with him last night at 1:00 am, I saw 2 more. I must be seeing them because of the clear, cold nights. You really can see the stars at night when it's this clear up here.
Last night was also Jacob's fall choir concert. They really do a good job and we enjoy it each and every time. He is so attentive to the director and knows all of the words and timing. It is fun just watching him. He puts so much effort into it. We are very proud of him.
I'm still trying to get Halloween costumes done. Jacob decided last night to be "Captain Jack Sparrow". Jessalyn is still going to be the snow queen. I just need to get my act together and get them ready. They have a huge Warrens kids Halloween Party on Sunday, put on by the local 4-H club. Bunches of kids and they all enjoy themselves.
The redwinged blackbirds have left and Canadian geese are leaving now. I guess that winter is on it's way. Christmas is 2 months from today. The mail is starting to pick up already. Two weeks from now, we will really be getting lots of mail due to the holidays. I don't mind though, I enjoy delivering all of the smiles. It's like being Santa Claus.
Time to get Jake up for school.
Have a blessed day!

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