Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas central reporting...

Well, the power shopping is over. We managed to shop for almost everyone in one day. Had a great time doing it too! Lunch at our favorite chinese buffet. We enjoyed every minute of it. Now we are back to the getting ready for Christmas Eve stuff. Peggy and Amanda came over and we made about 60 dozen cookies. Now I have to quick crank out another 60 or so dozen and that will be done.
Friday was Jacob's birthday. I rented some movies and we all sat around and watched them. Well, the kids did anyway. Will and I were busy off and on with other things so we kind of wandered through the room at different times.
Will had to work Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so we will have Jake's birthday dinner tonight. Tortellini of course. It is what Jake wants every year.
Jessalyn was gone from 3:30 pm Saturday until last night at 7:00 pm. She was doing birthday parties, sleepovers, Christmas programs and movies with her friends. She had a great time, but for some reason didn't even complain when I told her to head to bed last night.
We are actually pretty much ahead of schedule for Christmas this year, in comparison to the last years. Of course with me being on the smaller mail route this year, even when I work extra hours it is less hours than what I worked last year. I sure do love this route. Although next month they are set to add at least 1 hour per day. At least that is the plan so far.
Well, Jake is almost ready for school, so it's time to get the next one up. I hope you have a great day!

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