Wednesday, December 20, 2006

One step forward and two steps back

Here at the Donaldson house we have been really, really blessed these last couple of days. This weekend was a fiasco of trying to acomplish something, anything really. I just wanted to be able to say that we had finished something. No dice. Every time I looked at something that I finished, something else had happened that "un" finished it again.
For example our 9' decorated Christmas tree fell face down onto a concrete floor on Monday. Breaking many ornaments including some that were on my Grandmother's tree. Oh I know that they were just things, but you have to realize that my Grandmothers were my favorite people in the world. It was like losing another little piece of them again. We saved as much as we could, fixed the tree and decorated all over again. I just sat there and while almost crying said, well Lord, whatever happens let your glory show through and I know that you turn everything for your good, please do that because right now I am unable to see anything good in all of this.
Almost within minutes things turned around. Everything that had been undone went back to done with the help of my parents and Peggy and Amanda (and our new "adopted son" Luke whose parents are in Texas right now while he holds down the fort here in Wisconsin). We went on to have a wonderful birthday dinner for Jacob, while eating tortellini (his favorite). I was quite happy although exhausted. Then time for sleep and I thought to myself, I'll get a good night's sleep and really get something done in the morning. Yeah right. I was up with some type of flu bug from 11:30 until 2:30. I finally got to sleep and then the dog decided he had to get up at 4:00 am. I was afraid if I went back to sleep I would over sleep and not get the kids off to school. I don't use an alarm. My body wakes me up right around the same time each morning ( unless I've had something goofy go on and then Will is usually there to wake me up). I hate the way the alarm jolts you out of sleep. When I set it I keep waking up to make sure I can turn it off before it wakes me up, so why use it? Of course if I had a cleaning lady I would clean before she got here so that she wouldn't see a messy house too, so I just must have some phobia or something about things like that. Oh well, I digress....
I decided to do something that I have not done in 8 years of working at the post office, I called in sick. I have all of this sick leave, so I used some. I almost felt guilty, but then I would have another relapse so the guilt went away. Believe me you never want to be on a mail route in the country with no bathroom near and be sick. Anyway, the work crews showed up and boy did we get stuff accomplished. None of it has anything to do with Christmas, but it sure did help. The entire garage where the apartment is going to be, went from being spread out all over to packed up and put in the shed, brought into the house for sorting or sent off to Goodwill for their use. What a milestone. Our garage which had been used for storage for 10 years is empty of everything except building supplies.
Then Seth and Claire showed up and Seth cut up the last pieces of those huge trees laying in the back yard (Will's chainsaw broke). With the help of Peggy, Luke, Amanda, Vicki, Seth and Claire we took care of splitting, stacking, moving and raking up the mess from this huge pile of wood in the back yard. By 4:00 pm we were all exhausted and pretty much just collapsed. I heated up leftovers made some burgers and iced tea and we sat around moaning......We used muscles that had not been used in awhile.
Today Will went to work and I go back to work. I think we need it just to do work that our body is used to. Dad is going to work on finishing our new "yellow" door and then start working on the apartment. When I get home I will continue the search for the house through all of this remodeling effort and make cookies. Christmas is coming even if it is raining and 40 something degrees. What a blessing this weather has been, but right on schedule we are supposed to get snow starting Thursday. I'm sure it's probably from everyone praying for snow for Christmas.

NEWSFLASH!!!!! Jacob is now officially taller than his mother. We just measured and he is over 5'9" tall. Now I suppose that the shorty jokes will start now.

We are trying to get everyone to sit still long enough for a family picture. I hope sometime this weekend to do that. Not a chance before that.
Have a blessed day.

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