Monday, December 04, 2006

Just a quick update...

Things are busy here at Christmas Central. The season for giving is here and I am glad, but boy am I trying hard to catch up. If I just can get in a couple of hours of non-interrupted work, things will be much better. Jacob went to an "Acquire the Fire" Christian youth ralley in Madison this last weekend. They had a wonderful trip and then hit a deer within 2 miles of Warrens on their way home. No one was hurt, but the minivan. He says that he had a great time, except for sleeping in a hotel room with 7 other boys and not getting any sleep.
Jessalyn had another swimming birthday party on Sunday. That is the popular thing with the kids her age around here. They all go to the Holiday Inn and swim for a couple of hours. She sure was tired when she got home.
I have been working lots and lots of extra hours babysitting a couple of new substitutes that they have at the Post Office. They have hired 5 people to replace me and we are still trying to find someone to do the job. Now that I have my own route, I can only help out on the others, not take the whole route for a day. Since I was "the sub that knew all 7 routes", it takes 3 or four people to cover those same routes now. Before I just worked most days and did a different route each day. Good money, but sure can fry your brain. Now I'm on all 8 routes because I still have to know the other 7. No wonder, I'm half crazy. (be quiet! no silly comments to that one, please)
Jessalyn was home three days last week with cough, fever and congestion. She shared with her brother and he is home today. He woke up with his eyes almost swollen shut. Not a good look for him. I dosed him with meds and when it did not get any better, he headed back to bed. I hope he gets better quickly.
We went Christmas Caroling around Warrens on Saturday evening. Our church always hosts it and the other churches are invited. We go and sing to all the shut ins and pretty much anyone else who will listen. Usually we ride around in a wagon sitting on hay bales. Not this time. The wind chill factor was below zero and so we all piled into Dad's motor home and other vehichles and sang our hearts out. Then it was back to the church for soup and Christmas cookies. We had a good time.
Will and I are planning on about 18 gift baskets full of baked goods this year. I say "we" because he loves to be the "taste tester" and the "handing out specialist". Although I'm sure he would help with the baking (don't laugh) I usually don't ask him to. Usually he is putting up the Christmas lights, but this year he already has that done. Hmmmm....Maybe he could help this year......Now there's a thought.....The theme this year is divide and conquer. I usually make all the cookies at once, but I think I'm going to make them in segments this year. That way, I don't have to find a place to store them while I'm baking others. I will get both our places of employment done this week and then go on to the others. I just love it!
We will have Christmas Eve here again this year. It is about my 23rd anual (Will's 16th). I just love it when everyone comes and has a good time, although this year I will be downsizing things a bit. Instead of having about 28 different appetizers, this year I plan on only about 15. We wrote down the most popular ones last year and I'm making those and then just adding a few new ones this year. We usually have anywhere from 30 to 80 people here. We open the whole house and everyone just eats, laughs and sings. It's wonderful!!!
This will be Sam the dog's first Christmas with us. He already goes out and just sits and looks at Will's Christmas lights. He's such a smart dog. We sure love him. Gabberdeen the cat just hides for most of Christmas (she's shy) and the other cat Stinky Pete-just hates people, so she is our Grinch.
Well, it's time to run get things done before I head into work. It's snowing today. Not a whole bunch of it, so it won't be too bad, but enough to make you watch the road carefully.
Have a blessed day!

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