Friday, April 13, 2007

I think it's still spring?

Warrens was officially listed on the news as getting one of the larger snow totals for this last spring storm that went through. We ended up with about 6 inches on the ground here at the house. Sure made driving and delivering mail interesting. The nice thing about spring storms is that you hardly ever have to shovel because it melts off so fast. For the most part it is gone. Whatever did not melt yesterday I'm sure will melt today.
We start reading meters today. I was really hoping that we would be able to have dry ground to work with but it looks to be a bit mushy from the snow. Mom and Dad have graciously offered to let us read meters some time during the summer so that we can enjoy good ground. We'll see.
My wonderful loving husband came home last night with presents for his tired wife. What a surprise! He brought me home flowers and a crystal vase to put them in. They are beautiful! He also brought me some new cooking utensils because some of mine had met an unfortunate end this last week. It was not a good week for spoons around our house. For the final surprise he gave me a family size griddle. For most women this would not be a good thing. They would have wanted their husband to stop with beautiful flowers. My hubby knows me though and knows that the way to melt my heart is to buy me something to cook with. I saw the griddle box and started thinking of all the things that I could cook with it. What fun! I think I feel a big family breakfast coming on. Hmmmmmm......
Life here at the Donaldson's is pretty good right now. Jacob and his father are working on a project for science class right now. Jake has to build a cardboard boat designed to carry 2 people from one side of a lagoon to the opposite side. His principal has agreed to be the other passenger. They are all full of ideas. I hope that they have fun doing it and I really, really hope it does not does the principal.
Jessalyn is working on her Heritage Fair project. She has to do something about Wisconsin Heritage. She has worked out her plan. Now this weekend she can put it all together. She was also chosen as one of the select few kids from our school district to be allowed to go to Madison for a special trip to see a Musical and other special field trip type stuff. Evidently it's because of her musical abilities and efforts in the class. I hope she has a good time. She also has a class trip to go to the capitol in early May. We are getting closer to the end of the school year. That means more fun stuff to do according to the kids.
I am trying to get as much done here on the house as possible. I have a general plan and am trying to work it. I don't know how much of it will happen though. I think that this is the same spring plan that I had in the spring of 2004. I seem to be right on schedule for me. Let me tell you things are made so much easier by my "helper" Sam the dog. He is with me every step of the way and still keeps to our agreement of me walking on the bottom of my feet and him walking on the top. If he was not so earnest in trying to help I might get angry, but sometimes it's helpful knowing that at least he wants to help me with some things. When the kids are being kids, Sam is still Sam.
Well, time to go and get the next batch of clothes out of the dryer.
Have a great day!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Im sure Will was thinking ahead. he knew he would reap benefits of the griddle more than the flowers... sneaky sneaky :)