Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Forgot my great gift!

I forgot to mention my great Mother's Day gift. My wonderful hubby hooked up my "veggie sink"!! I've had this great veggie sink in the counter for about 7 years that was never hooked up. We just never had the time or money or just plain forgot about it until we needed it. Will hooked it up for me and I love it! It works great and I don't know how I got along without it.
My other great present was that my children got along with each other the whole day.......for you Mothers out there, you know how wonderful that is!
Have a blessed day.


Clairey said...

what's a veggie sink???

Anonymous said...

You don't have to be a mother to appreciate those days when the kids actually like each other!!


LOUD? said...

congrats on your new sink!

We have always had 2 sinks and then we moved to a one sink house and it completely drove me crazy!!! Thank goodness we moved again back to a 2 sink kitchen!