Monday, May 14, 2007

Frustration central here.......

Poor Will......He's having trouble with the computers around here. His parents bought him a new birthday present web cam so that we all could chat easier (the old camera was from when they first came out, pretty pitiful). Somehow the new softwear with the new camera will not work with the old or some such thing. It pretty much confused the new computer (I think that's what he told me). He now has to reload a bunch of the programming. Not difficult I don't think, but time consuming and that is something we seem to be out of around here, "time". He's going to try a new camera and see if another brand will not work better. If not, we'll call out the "big guns" either my cousin Darin or cousin Bill. They both work with computers and I'm sure they would help, we just have to find the time to get them out there.
I am working on spring cleaning. Very time consuming to say the least. I spent 3 maybe 4 hours on just our closet the other day. I pulled everything and I mean everything out of it cleaned it from top to bottom and then put the stuff we wanted to keep back in. Now there is room for other stuff to go in too. We are being very thorough and trying to get rid of lots of stuff. When we gave up our garage to make the apartment for the girls, we lost all of our storage space. Now we have to find places to put all that we want to keep and get rid of the rest. Not an easy task. I think that it will be rewarding in the end, but man I would love to be done with all of this sorting.
My new route addition seems to be going well. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out when to fit things into my day, but I'm getting better at it. I have shifted more house work etc to the early morning and less to the afternoon. Days like today are very hard. I am going in early because I have to be back to the post office early enough to go and play the piano for a group that is singing at 3 of the local nursing homes this afternoon. It's our once a month thing, but now that I get done later, it will be hard to get back in time. Then I will come home and work on more sorting and cooking supper, then it's off to Cranfest meetings at 5:30. Jeepers it's a busy day today. Tomorrow's not as busy though, so I'll get caught up (I can dream can't I?)
We have been concerned about fires around here. It has been so dry, but yesterday brought rain, thank God! I know that north of here on the Canada/Minnesota border it's all and I mean all burning to the tune of thousands and thousands of acres. Now Will's parents are saying that the air in Tallahassee is just filled with smoke from the Georgia/Florida border fires. Scary stuff. Keep Mom Donaldson in your prayers as this smoke really does a number on her and we are quite concerned.
We leave for Canada in 10 days (God willing). I am SO excited. This trip has been one of my dream trips for so many years. I have always wanted to see where my family came from and look through all those musty old records. We are looking forward to New York state and then seeing Niagara Falls. Our cousins Jim and Annette are coming with us and what a wonderful chance to get to visit with them and catch up and also build better relationships. I am counting minutes. I'd better get sorting so I can be done with it.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. I woke up late and then made my hubby's favorite breakfast. After all, without him I could not be a mother right? Then I baked a couple of desserts for fellowship. We were supposed to go on a picnic, but with the rain decided to go to Mom and Dad's house. Then Will, Jessa and I went for a walk. Will picked me a bouquet of wild flowers. We stayed around and talked about the trip and then came home. A good day all in all and I enjoyed it.
Now back to real life.
Did I mention that my sister and her hubby gave us some bushes? We planted them in the front yard. They seem to be doing fine. My lilacs that I planted last year have one little tiny bunch of flowers on them, but boy am I proud of those little blooms. THEY DIDN'T DIE!!!
More yard work later this week, but I love it so it's ok. I'm glad that it stays light for so long, so I have longer to try to fit it all in.
Well, time to get kids off to school and head off to work.
Have a great day!

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