Sunday, July 13, 2008

We have a great dog!

You know how some dogs are just special? Well ours is one of them. Not only does he potty on command, he waits until all humans have gone through the door before stepping one foot over the threshold. It's something that we taught him after watching the dog whisperer guy on tv. It's really nice to see him have manners.

The really funny things that crack me up are the human characteristics he shows. No, I'm not saying he's human or anything like that and we all know what I think about Darwin and his theories (God said it and it was....much easier to believe for me), but Sam can act very human like.

Of course the start of my day is usually watching my hubby play with the dog. This will consist of Sam running to grab a toy for them to play with and Will throwing it a few times (yes in the house, but boys will be boys). After Will throws it a couple of times, he turns his back on Sam and Sam who does not have a mean bone in his body will stand behind Will and growl like he's this huge mean ferocious thing. If Will still ignores him he runs right up to Will and beats him in the butt with the toy growling and Will just giggles (so do I). They do this every morning and it doesn't get old playing or watching. It's a hoot watching Sam trying to entice Will to skip work. Come on play with me, don't go to "that can do it....ignore the door...ignore the door...." When Will walks out the door and gets into the car Sam stops watching at the door, sighs, turns around and flops on the floor. Every morning.

I have also taught the dog to pick up his own toys. Of course this is as much work as asking my children to pick up their toys. Sometimes it's much easier just to do it myself. You see Sam will pick them up, but he thinks it so much fun to pick up the toys with me following around making him do it, that he will pick up his whole clothes basket full of "Sam toys"and empty it at my feet when we are done so that we can start all over.

Then there are moments like last night when Will and I were both tired and here comes the dog with the rawhide plastic bag stuck on his face. Evidentally it had fallen from it's usual place on the buffet and he found it. Here he comes barely able to see over the bag to show us that he had found it with his nose stuck inside and his mouth wrapped around one of the chews. Then he pulled the bag off after we had seen him, and showed us that he had one "special" (it's what we call them instead of his regular cookies) and then proceeded to dance for us showing us his special. He gets so happy that his eyes squint shut and he wags his tail so much that everything in the vacinity gets thrown. Of course we laughed and that made him happy so he laid down at my feet and ate it. He only grabbed one and he only ate one. Funny dog. It was almost like he had to show us so that he would not be sneaking it. Maybe the best part for him is the dance and showing it to us? What a hoot. I needed that laugh last night.

Things around here are hectic. Will and I are going through one of those rough patches. Not between us though. In fact the kids both went to lifefest this last week and we really enjoyed being together not having to worry about anyone but us. It was strange but nice. Things around here are just "tiresome". I cannot think of another word for it. For every one thing that we get accomplished 3 more show up. We are trying to finish the remodeling, but life keeps getting in the way. I spend my days running after kids and he seems to be spending his days running after car parts. This next week we read almost 1000 meters for my Mom and Pop who are in Charleston on vacation. It will be nice to have the time together, but still makes it hard to get things done.

The only thing that makes this easier to handle is knowing that God has a plan and everything is in his control. It's been one of those summers where everytime I turn around someone needs money or someone needs time. Both are in limited quantities.

Then yesterday my work shorted me 3 days on my paycheck. Not a terrible thing, but something that seems to happen every time I take annual or sick leave. I finally had to file a complaint. I hate filing those, but they seem to be the only way to get anything accomplished. It still makes me feel bad, because people do not mess up on purpose, but when you mess up enough that it becomes a bad habit instead of a mistake it's time to fix it.

We had almost 7.5 inches of rain in 2 days around here with 70 mph winds. It was exciting for a little while. Lots of soggy areas now. Still have lots of standing water and high rivers and creeks. Not so much where we are because of our sandy soil, but Tomah still has water issues and I think all the places that were flooded in June are back in the same boat although you won't hear about it on the news.

Well, time to get busy on pot luck food for after church. Although it's Sunday and the kids are still asleep. I might just head back to bed for awhile. I normally don't but everyone deserves to sleep in every once in a while don't they?

Hope you have a great Sunday!

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