Sunday, August 31, 2008

Murphy's law

Well, I have made the trip back and forth to the Doctor's office this last 2 weeks more than I have all year. For the most part we are all very healthy, thank you God. Jessalyn had to get a couple of booster shots last week for school. No big deal, just painful. Afterwards she got an icecream cone, so she was happy (well, as happy as can be). Fast forward to last Sunday. My son "Hong Kong Phooey" decided to see if he could be Bruce Lee and kicked a pile of tires with a "HYYYYY AHHHHHH" and there he went. Suddenly he could no longer walk. By Monday it was so swollen and purple that I figured I'd better take him in. The foot doc was even impressed by the color and swelling. He told him he had earned an xray and sent us down. No fractures that we could see but if it's not better in a couple of weeks we go back. Jake now has this shoe that looks kind of like a cutting board with straps on it and he has to wear it all day. Hd got icecream too. Maybe that's the reason for all of this. Of course if his foot hurts too much then he has to use the crutches. Today was church so his foot hurt so he had to use the crutches. Can you say "milking it for all he's worth"?

Then of all the stupid things on Friday I'm at work and feeling fine. All of a sudden my ear starts to hurt. You know how it feels when you have slept on your ear wrong and it hurts? Well, that's how it felt but I had not been sleeping and it did not hurt all morning until 11:00 or so. The longer I went, the more it hurt and now it was hurting clear down my neck and into my face. I thought, ok maybe an ear infection. Ran up to the doc and he says TMJ, one of the worst cases he's seen and he cannot figure how I am functioning. He insisted that I fill a script for some really strong pain pills (I refuse to take them, I'm fine). No eating crunchy, no eating sticky, no yawning, no talking (yeah right) no singing. Nada. For a couple of days. Fat chance. I've taken a couple of tyl*nol and I'm coping. It's not too bad for the most part and then it will hurt and then my jaw will snap and it won't hurt anymore. I can do this and I don't need those stupid pain pills. I do not have time to be sick.

Working today on finishing cleaning out the blue room to get it ready for new carpeting. Also working on finishing up some Cranfest paperwork and a couple of odds and ends that need to be done before we really start into the last minute stuff. For the most part, I am out of it except for set up and farm market. I gave up most of my stuff so that I can concentrate on the farm market with Gale. It will be different this year. Maybe calmer. I'm not holding my breath.

The kids go back to school Tuesday. Both will be on the bus by 6:30 and then I have over an hour to work on stuff and clean before I go in. Hopefully we can get into a routine and that will help.

Will's allergies are really acting up so he's working as hard as he can, but you can tell that the sneezing etc is really taking it's toll. He is so worn out just from trying to breath. He really fights it though and still gets lots done.

Well, time to get sorting. Have a great day.

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