Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Tag you're it.....It's what I felt like saying to Will this morning as he walked out the door with the kids to start the routine of playing with the dog while they wait for the bus. That same dog woke us up at 4:11 am this morning. Of course this is not when I am supposed to wake up, just when Will gets up. I get to wait until 4:30 and then pray awhile before getting up. I think those days are over. Will said something to the dog and promptly rolled back over and dozed, although I think we might have had some type of conversation at that time, it's a blur. I of course got to listen to the dog whining and sighing. Ok so he only did it once maybe twice, but that was enough. Up I get out of the bed 30 MINUTES EARLY!! If it becomes 30 minutes each day that means that I am missing 3 1/2 hours of sleep a week. Great.

I started the coffee and started into my day. Jessalyn woke up on her own and started getting ready for school, which in itself is a trauma. This is her first day of middle school. She is very nervous. She is a very shy kid believe it or not, I'm not sure where she got that one, but this is a big step for her. She of course went into a panic about whether she had the right stuff in her bag. She didn't of course. Air head! I Fixed her up after lots of stress and now she's ready, although she has re-fixed her hair about 5 times.

Jake on the other hand got up and finally got his pencils and pens together. I had forced him to collect folders and tablets yesterday, terrible mom that I am. He threw everything into a back pack and he's ready. No trauma, no stress, except on my part because I'm sure he'll forget something. He calmly eats his breakfast, brushes his teeth and heads out to the bus planning his first nap of the day while on his way to school.

There sure is a huge difference in the two kids. Of course school is one of the least important things on Jake's list, except that it affords him a chance to see his girlfriend and friends. Although, he still says that he does not want to date until he is 18. I think that one will change as soon as the driver's license comes into play. Probably doesn't want his mom driving him and his girl around. Jessalyn on the other hand quite often stresses about classes and grades. Sure are two different kids. I have a feeling that she is like me and Jake is like his Dad.

Yesterday we went down to some friends of ours farm. I gave them a sewing machine that I had here. A friend had given it to us and since then we have had 3 in the house. I get the chance to sew like once a year if I'm lucky, so it was just wasted space having this huge machine with all of it's fancy buttons. I know they'll use it, so it was a great idea. While there, we took a tour of the farm and saw the cows, held the goat "Angel" who is a family pet's baby. She is sooooo cute. She loved the taste of Will's shoe laces (he was not thrilled). Will was more interested in the machinery (wonder why?).

They had kittens, burros, geese, ducks, chickens, turkins, guinea hens, cows, miniture horses, dogs and probably a bunch of other stuff so Jessalyn was in heaven! She wants to live there and just mess with animals all day. She still insists that she wants to be a vet. Should be interesting to see if she sticks with that plan.

Well, time to get busy around here. My second load of clothes is in the washer and dryer. I'm sure there is plenty more for me to do before I head out to work. Hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful day.


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