Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A mind of it's own.

Yesterday was one of those days. You know've had them. Everything you pick up - you drop. When you try to do something - you get sidetracked. You finish one thing on your list and it creates 3 new things to add to the list. I should have known. I should have crawled back into the bed, pulled the covers over my head and shut out the world, but NO, I ventured forth into the world. Then it hit...the stupid things rule....

After finally getting out onto my route, after dealing with all sorts of weird stuff at the office...I was out driving in the country. Went to turn a sharp corner and heard a terrible thump, followed by a screech and the whole car fell down in the front left. Great. Just what I need. I know what's happened. The ball joint broke on the car as I went around a corner. My left front tire had a mind of it's own and did not want to turn with the car. It was going sideways. Just what I need.

I call the car shop. They send the wrecker. Someone from work came to get me and we finished the day out. That may sound simple, but the truth is that it was about 20 phone calls in the making and took over an hour. I should have been done almost 2 hours before we actually finished. I could have got mad. I could have moped. I could have done lots of stuff, but God was working even then and I did not realize it.

You see first of all, I had just been out on a major highway near a military base and with spring training, I had convoys of soldiers all over. I could have had major problems if the car had done that while I was going 55 and turning on that highway. Instead I was going about 10 mph. Better yet, I was in a car with a girl that I have been slowly trying to get come to church and we have talked about the Lord, but it's a very careful thing with her. If I had thrown a fit when Will called to find out how it was going, or been ugly to anyone...just think of what she would have thought. Instead it was fine. Hopefully, it made her think because I was not "Oh woe is me" about the whole thing. I just told Will while she was listening that nothing that happened today was a surprise to God and that everything would be fine. Hopefully, it had some effect.

Although my poor hubby. Bless his heart. He called me hoping I would tell him something great was happening to me because his day was frustrating. Instead he gets.....well, the good thing is that I am not hurt and no one else is either...the bad news is.... He handled it well, but I could tell that after our conversation he felt worse.

I will say this though... with everything that is going wrong in our lives...this is a huge opportunity for us. All things work together for good and everything that is going on right now is leading up to something great! We might not be able to be happy about the junk that's going on, BUT we can trust God and KNOW that He is able and is working for our good. He is not going to let us fall. The greatest thing in all of this is that He does not rely on us to hold His hand, He holds ours. That way even if we let go, He never does.

I can be frustrated by what seems to be daily attacks from the other side (sometimes the attacks come hourly it seems), but I can and do hold fast to God and know that He is going to take care of all of this. He knows what our struggles are. He knows how hard things are, BUT He knows the answer. He knows the end of the book. I'm just going to trust him to work things out, supply needs, supply wisdom, supply answers and supply a way to deal with this stupid things rule....I know I have no other hope.

Have a great day!

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