Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Back to the old grind.

Poor Will (I'm being sarcastic). Today he goes back to work for the first time since December 23. He works today and tomorrow and then is off for the 3 day weekend. Really tough work schedule isn't it? You should have seen him pout yesterday because he had to go back!
He asked me to put a post in before I went to work today, so here it is...
Things are great around here. Our new furnace went in on Friday (pray for our ability to pay for it). Will and the kids were home on Saturday again. I worked and then came home to get ready for our New Year's Eve Gospel Sing. Will and I worked together and threw some finger sandwiches together. I made-he sliced. Then we went to the sing. It was wonderful. We sang and sang. They had me get up there and sing "His Eye is on the Sparrow". The only problem is that I had not sang it in a year or so. I guess that it went well. We had prayer for healing for my Uncle Ken and Aunt Ruth after the service while some of the people started heading down for food. We all sat around talking until after 10:00. That's pretty late for some of us.
Sunday was a great service. We went to Mom and Dad's for lunch after. Mom cooked the ham and I did the fixin's. It worked out well and we had a great time.
Will and I took our kids and our friend Amanda to The Chronicles of Narnia on Sunday afternoon. Mom and Dad Donaldson had sent us the funds to do it as part of our family Christmas since Mom could not be here to take us herself. It was a wonderful movie. In one part a character jumps out at another one and I think that Jacob jumped at least 8 inches out of his seat. It was a great time. Amanda had not been to a theatre for about 14 years. Prices had sure changed.
Monday the kids went back to school. Will and I worked around the house that morning and then took all of the laundry down to the laundromat. It was great to get it all done at once instead of taking all day. Lately, with me working, there has not been time for me to keep up with my usual laundry schedule. That will hopefully change with my new route starting on Saturday.
For the last couple of days it has still been raining. Can you believe it? Of course as long as it doesn't turn into ice on the roads, I'm happy. A friend of ours is here from Australia. Actually she is our friend Seth's better half. They are getting married in October. Australia's loss is our gain. Anyway, she would love to see snow and all we are getting is rain. I don't think that they have had lots of rain over there lately either, so maybe it's ok. She is here for what would be her "summer" over there. What a temperature change.
Well, time to get the kids off to school and get myself gone to work. God bless your day!
(Will said to tell you that he did the pictures and I wrote the post. There, now I told you.)

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