Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tomorrow's finally here

Everyone knows the song from "Annie" called "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow", and how true that has been here. We have been having very warm weather for January. Usually right now we are staring at a thermometer that is down below O each and every morning when we get up. Since before Christmas it has been in the 30's almost every day and for the last two weeks, although warm, it has been very cloudy. We are all starting to feel the effects of no sunshine. Especially me, who although I don't like hot weather at all, I need the sun and it's rays to lighten my disposition. I can always feel the difference in my attitude when the sun is out. I know that I would never make it in Alaska where the sun does not show itself for days. I would have to get one of those hot house lamps that fakes sun rays and plant my self under it and vegitate. No pun intended (ok maybe a little pun.) BUT THE SUN IS SUPPOSED TO SHINE ALL DAY TODAY!
Things here yesterday were very productive. Amanda and Peggy came over and we worked on valances for the new room. I would never have believed that we could make 8 valances for windows and one for the sliding glass door in a little over an hour, if I had not seen it happen. I cut and they both pulled out their machines and sewed their little hearts out. It was great. I also never would have believed that I would go with kind of a western theme in that room, but that's what I ended up doing. You see I have this collection of stuff from my family that I need to display somewhere. What's the use in having treasures if they sit in a box and you cannot enjoy them?
Well, lots of this treasure comes from my "Gram" Rose Oakes. She painted 4 western scenes on ceramic wall hangings and I have waited for a room large enough to display them. She also left behind this wonderful large collection of antique post cards that she and Grampa had collected on trips out west during the early years 40's-60's. I am going to frame some of those. My parents and grandparents( on my Mom's side) have all given me great western stuff too.......so I'm going to put them all out in this room lined with cedar wood and lots of sunshine. I think it will be great and I know that I can add to the collection as the years go by.
We have started planning our garden for this summer. A bunch of us are going to work on it together so that it is less work for everybody. We plan on canning lots of stuff this year, including soups and meats. That is an art that is dying in the world and we want to continue it. I also think I might try my hand at making dandelion wine and rhubarb wine with my Gramma's recipe. I want to see if I can, just so that someone keeps the tradition alive. Maybe that could be my "New Business" DEA'S DANDELION WINE. It doesn't sound like a big seller to me.
Well anyway, today is making curtains for Jacob and Jessa's room and cleaning house. Tomorrow Will and I are hopefully going to hang these curtains. He has plans to hang a new door on our garage. The weather is supposed to be sunny and almost 40. Good weather for working outside.
The mail route is going wonderfully. I am really happy with it. I drop Jacob off at school and then head to the post office. I get there and sit and read the paper for a couple of minutes. Then I go search out my mail and I was done yesterday on a heavy day by 12:30. That time will get better as soon as they can get my mail to me automatically and I don't have to go and sort it out of everybody else's mail.
God bless your day.

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