Thursday, August 31, 2006

Still dealing with hail

Today I have an appointment with the insurance adjuster. We took a good look at my Lumina and realized that it is covered in dents from the very large hail that we had. So the claim went in and now I go to see them today.
THEN I have to go and pay for my pre-pay gas for the winter. Joy.....sigh. What a way to ruin a perfectly good day. Insurance people and then gas. Yuck!
Our house seems to be maniac central right now. I just found out that I need to cook during Cranfest this year. Only instead of 50 people it's 75 this year. Last year I went easy food and this year I think I'll do the same, only easier. Lots of finger foods, so that they can grab something quick and run. We have lots and lots of special guests that come to Cranfest including the Governor, Senators, Cabinet Member, CEO of Ocean Spray, Royalty from other festivals etc. Instead of them waiting in line somewhere for food, we feed them at the Cranfest office. It works out well. This year, we will have a better idea of what is going on and how to serve the food.
I'm up between 3:30 and 4:00 am every morning anyway. I might as well cook.

Jacob made a very "grown up" decision yesterday and removed himself from the golf team for this year. Last year he really struggled in school. Golf took up so much time. He was very honest with himself and the coach. He decided that he did not want to risk his grades and also that he did not want to not give the golf team his best effort. I am very proud of him.
Jacob and Jessalyn are both getting ready for school, but grudgingly. Both of their best friends moved away this last year. They are going to have to make some adjustments in school. I am praying especially for Jacob that he finds a friend that is a good kid and will understand Jacob. Jessalyn is very close with 3 or 4 girls so it is not such a harsh situation for her.
Well, time to get busy and start dishes. I already had laundry going, but I cannot put that away since the kids are still sleeping. Need to move to a different room to clean. They both were up late and I don't want them to wake up grouch potatoes.
God bless.

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